






MKULTRA Mind Control issues

in the British Isles


UK Councillor Simon Parkes raised by INSECTS

Mantid ETs



The great shift begins in 2017.


If called to be Prime Minister I will serve


In a wide-ranging ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Whitby UK Councillor Simon Parkes discusses his dimensional education by Mantid ETs, his Earth soul history in incarnations involving leadership office, and a transitional period 2014-16 leading up to a planetary transformational shift starting in 2017.

Speaking as a genuine leader of Her Majesty’s human populace, Simon Parkes’ parting words in the interview are, “Don’t take any inoculations against Ebola.”



I’m suspicious of any ”AGENDAS”

especially predictive programming on young kids


Correlation between actions of Israel & Negative ETs behind Saturn-Moon Matrix



The Moon as artificial satellite signal-enhancer of Moon-Saturn mind control Matrix – Mind control matrix for our planet enabling patterns of war, disease, crime, poverty and perpetual incarnation cycle after cycle after cycle.


In an ExopoliticsTV panel, hermeneutics expert and author Peter Kling and futurist and author Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the impact of a 2012 shift onto a positive timeline upon the predicted events of the 2014-15 Tetra Lunar Eclipses with particular focus on Israel, the lunar calendar and the Saturn Moon Matrix. The historical record shows that the negative Zionist force behind Israel used Tetra Lunar Eclipses to engage in objective acts of genocide, perhaps in coordination with the negative Extraterrestrial forces that operate the Saturn-Moon mind control matrix, using our Earth Moon as a mind control broadcast station to enforce a duality consciousness Matrix on humanity that keeps humanity in a perpetual state of war, disease, crime and poverty.


Historical Record – Zionism & Tetra Lunar Eclipses



The actions of Israel in invading and occupying Palestine (1948-Present) under the pretext of a fraudulently acquired 1917 Balfour Declaration have been found to constitute war crimes and genocide by a legally constituted Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (on which Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD, has served as Judge).

Each of the significant actions of Israel in committing this ongoing war crimes and genocide have occurred during a Tetra Lunar eclipse or series of lunar eclipses. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. See:

“1917: There were 7 eclipses in 1917, when WW1 ended and the Balfour Declaration was signed allowing Jews to return to Palestine.

1948: Between 1948 and 1950: There 4 lunar eclipses (Tetras) on feast days when Israel became a nation again.

1967: Between 1967 and 1968: There were 4 lunar eclipses (Tetras) on feast days. 1967 is the war Israel won and when Israel regained control of Jerusalem.

1973: There were 7 eclipses in 1973 which was the year of the Yom Kippur war victory.”


Panel: Positive Timeline

defeats Israel’s use of 2014-15

Tetra Eclipses & Saturn Moon Matrix



So that the U.S. war machine (we can read the permanent war economy’s war machine), it’s first impulse was to attack the Moon with a nuclear weapon. We don’t know what the state of consciousness was at that time about the Moon being an inhabited body, although we imagine that advanced intelligence had some concept of it as there are reports that trips to Mars from Earth took place as early as 1962; just a few years later than 1957 [when Sputnic was launched]; and just a few years later than the time that this project of nuking the moon was going forward [in the 1950’s].

Evidence, Moon is populated

Now, we have evidence that the Moon is populated on its surface, [and] not only on the inside as if it were a satellite. U.S. astronauts, NASA employees, Soviet scientists, and the National Security Agency (NSA) has confirmed an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.

There are confirmed reports of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon both from U.S. astronauts who have visited the moon, from NASA employees, from Soviet scientists, observers of the NASA moon visits, and from witnessed NSA, (National Security Agency) reports on a Moon base on the far side (dark side) of the moon.

One report states “In a 2006 television documentary, ‘Apollo 11: The Untold Story’, U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin admitted for the first time publicly that astronauts saw UFO’s on the trip to the Moon but they were not allowed to discuss this information on the live audio feed to NASA. He stated that he felt that it would have caused a ‘panic’.” Moreover, “According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA’s broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange.”



Saturn/Moon Matrix as

Mind Control Platform for Earth



(This is during Apollo 11.)

“NASA: What’s there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11…
“Apollo: These ‘Babies’ are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They’re on the Moon watching us!”

This transmission from Apollo 11 back to Mission Control in Houston bypassed the public broadcasting outlets of NASA, but was picked up by radio hams according to NASA employee, Otto Binder.

Moreover, we have the testimony of U.S. Air Force Sargent Karl Wolfe, who was a fellow disclosure witness with myself who described photos [and] documents on extraterrestrial bases on the dark side of the moon that he witnessed at a National Security Agency building in the 1960’s. One report states that “Sargent Wolfe was working with Tactical Air Command at Langley Air Force base in Virginia in 1965. There, he was assigned to the lunar orbital project with the National Security Agency where he met an airman who confided in him that they had discovered bases in the far side of the moon.”

There’s an extensive article on this at You can go to THE NEWS Live article on the Saturn/Moon matrix at and it will give you a link to this article with all of that evidence as to intelligent life on the surface of the Moon.


Earth before the Moon



However, we’re going deeper in this, THE NEWS report. It appears as though the Moon is actually an artificial satellite moved into place, or created in place, as a transmission platform of a matrix control, of a Mind Control Matrix Reality for Earth.

First of all, let’s go and look at Earth civilization records where we can find Earth civilization records which remember an Earth before the Moon. This is the Earth before the Moon was put into place .

Here I’m quoting from archives, which again are referenced at the [THE NEWS Live Saturn/Moon Matrix] article.

[from THE EARTH WITHOUT THE MOON] “The period when the Earth was moonless is probably the most remote recollection of mankind. Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the moon… Aristotle taught that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes had a pocket of Pelasgians and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth. For this reason they were called Proselenes”

So here we have a tribe whose name was actually given [to them] because they occupied a specific piece of territory before there was a Moon above the Earth.

Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time when “not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and Deukalion races came into existence and all the Arcadians lived,
of whom it is said they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns before there was a moon.”

Plutarch wrote in The Roman Questions: “There were Arcadians of Evander’s following the so-called pre-lunar people,” (Pre-lunar people).

Similarly Ovid wrote: “The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and the folk is older than the moon.” (Older than the moon, again!)

Hippolytus refers to a legend that “Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus of greater antiquity than the moon.” (Greater antiquity than the moon…)

Lucian in his astrology says that “the Arcadians affirm in their folly that they are older than the moon.”

Censorinus also alludes to the time in the past when there was no Moon in the sky . Some allusions to the time before there was a Moon can also be found in scriptures.

In Job 25:5, the grandeur of the Lord who “Makes peace in the heights” is praised and the time is mentioned “before [there was] a moon and it did not shine.” (That is in scripture in Job 25:5)

Also in Psalm 72:5 it is said: “Thou wast feared since [the time of] the sun and before [the time of] the moon, a generation of generations.” (That’s in psalms 72:5!) A ‘generation of generations’ means a very long time. Of course, it is of no use to counter this Psalm with the myth of the first chapter of Genesis, a tale brought down from exotic and later sources.

The memory of a world without a Moon lives on in the oral tradition amoung the Indians, that is the Native Americans. The Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Columbia relayed some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a Moon “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas.


So you can see that there is a legitimate multi-cultural (from many, many cultures) from the North American aboriginals – the Native Americans, from the scriptures, from the Roman historians, from the Greek historians on which we count a great deal for our history of the modern era.

That means that our human civilization existed here before the Moon and it was the Ancient Civilization.


Moon is an artificial satellite



What occurred when the moon was brought into being?

Well, there are some theories and they seem to be based on a great deal of research that the moon is, in fact, an artificial satellite — [which is] a platform that is a frequency enhancer of a Mind Control Matrix that is itself a frequency, [and] that creates the virtual reality for humanity that has various functions.

Let’s go first to the authors of a book called WHO BUILT THE MOON? And we’ll just kind of summarize from their own words. This is an interview with Christopher Knight, one of the authors of that book.

[Christopher Knight] “The Moon sits very close to the Earth. It is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known Universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.

“The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.

The material the Moon is made from, came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.”
(There is some quarrel about that.)

“The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.

“Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.”

He continues here: “We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the mass, dimensions and movements of the Earth.
However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern. Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.

“It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.”

The questioner said: “Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?”

[Christopher Knight] “It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.

“The work of Alexander Thom, a brilliant professor of engineering from Oxford University, was our starting point. He identified the existence of what he called the Megalithic Yard. This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections, they are baseless.

“Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all time, capacity and weight units in use today. Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.

“Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling. All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.

“Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.

“It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.

“In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial.”


There you have it.


Saturn/Moon Matrix



Let’s go to the great theorists who sometimes get attacked. I think David Icke is a great theorist who has put forth a model for the Saturn/Moon Matrix by looking at the extraterrestrial craft that he calls the Saturn Ring Makers. [He] has identified the Saturn Rings as a communication mechanism for transmitting a Virtual Reality Matrix which is enhanced by the Moon as almost a platform antennae which is directed at Earth. So that, we humans here on Earth are living inside a fake reality – a virtual reality, which kind of dumbs us into this 3d time-space reality – down to two strand DNA. In fact, we were created as twelve strand DNA Lightbeings in the third dimension. First of all, this Virtual Saturn/Moon Matrix enforces the two strand DNA Virtual Reality Matrix. That was first imposed, we know, 280,000 years ago when the Anunnaki ET’s landed at Adams Calendar. [The Anunnaki], using sound technology reduced our 12 strand DNA down to 2 strand DNA thus limiting humanity’s ability to perceive multi-dimensionally and ability to come totally from heart-space; and having us perceive systematically inside a narrow dualistic consciousness band of ‘I win – You lose.’ That’s duality consciousness.

You can go to and google ‘Adams Calendar, the movie’ and it’s a very good documentary that we’ve created on that subject.

Also, the Saturn/Moon Matrix creates the re-incarnation-incarnation-re-incarnation-incarnation cycle after cycle reality. And in fact, there’s some concepts that the ‘incarnation depot’ for Human Souls that are caught inside the virtual reality and are enmeshed in the cycle of crime, disease, war and poverty, is on the dark side of the Moon. You think you go to heaven, but you’re deposited on the dark side of the Moon in this ‘depot for souls’ and then you’re reincarnated into the ‘re-incarnation virtual reality game’ on Earth.

If we look at one of the great spiritual seers, G.I. Gurdieff (1866-1949); he intuitively thought that souls who were in this virtual matrix went to a depot on the far side of the Moon. He intuitively thought that. Gurdieff frequently admonished the thoughtless mechanical behavior of humanity and was fond of saying that ‘We are food for the Moon.’ That was one of Gurdieff’s favorite sayings ‘We are food for the Moon.’

In other words, the Moon acts as a giant electromagnet pulling upon organic soul life on Earth and sucking into itself the soul essence of dying creatures. The Moon is an embryonic planet in that sense and so we can credit Gurdieff and Ouspensky for providing one of the earliest models of the Saturn/Moon Matrix.



Greys and Human Souls



In Exopolitics also, (go to you can see some of the studies that we have reported, especially from New Zealand, where Grey extraterrestrials are in charge of the care of human souls, and matching human souls with new incarnating lives; and of taking on many tasks that Earthly religions normally say ‘oh this is in the Provence of ‘G-d’. Well no, it appears to be in the Provence of Grey extraterrestrials.

There is one case that we reported on extensively where the head of the UFO organisation in New Zealand, in fact, met the Soul of her future son when she was a young child aboard a Grey extraterrestrial craft. Then, when she was married and pregnant with the fetus of her future son [she] was beamed aboard an extraterrestrial craft and there she met the Soul again. The Greys’ came in and there was an enmeshment ceremony where the Soul of her future son was enmeshed with the fetus in her womb. So one has to query where Exopolitics is really a future spiritual science. What is the relationship between the Saturn/Moon Matrix and incarnation, and the role that the Grey ET’s apparently are now taking in the human incarnation cycle of some souls? These are legitimate questions that have to be addressed.

Now you can say this is just theoretical. Theoretical?! Just think of the past ten days. We have had a war in Gaza that was Israel versus the Palestinians on this non-ending tread of violence that goes back to 1948. And, that was really seeded back in the nineteenth century by Satanic Illuminati bloodline bankers [whom] conceived of the concept of Israel that would be a perpetual war machine in the middle east; and then that way, WW3 would start as a confrontation of Europe, Israel and the United States between the Arabs. That is in fact what is happening now. We have the war in Syria. We have at any one time about one hundred fifty wars on this planet. We have world public and private debt. We have starvation on this planet. We have war, disease, crime and poverty at an enormous rate and all of this, for example, the entire war industry, and the entire debt industry, and the starvation industry, is created when traced back to one strain of bloodline bankers who created communism, Bulshevism; they control Nazism and funded it. They control hyper-capitalism. They have to be tuned in and in consort with the Satrun/Moon Matrix signals where they, you know, most especially know how to work the Virtual Reality of Duality and really get into it.

And so, although we can bemoan this reality that we incarnate into of duality here on Earth, it is a Virtual Reality. It’s a Virtual Reality, a program — war, disease, crime and poverty. And [it is] programed incarnation after incarnation after incarnation into this, in a machine that is composed up at the Saturn Rings, (possibly through this [David Icke’s] model]), but certainly through the Moon. And so this NEWS which we’re releasing today, is a cause — a call to consciousness to people to become conscious as to what’s really causing all of this; that we all become conscious as human souls to what we’re in and become Source oriented so that we can then see what’s the solution.

The solution is to see Exopolitical allies, that is advanced extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional allies who are ethical and who can help us escape out of the Matrix that was imposed upon us without our consent by some higher power which is still operating the Saturn/Moon Matrix.





Alfred Webre and Robert Stanley: Megalithic Malibu Sphinx Brahma Buddha, underwater UFO











Megalithic Malibu Sphinx



Photos of Malibu Megalithic Structures
1. Sphinx, Brahma, Buddha






Photos of Malibu Underwater Spaceship

& Pacific Portal







During the fall equinox of September 21, 1985 I was attacked by parasitic creatures while working as a security guard at a private beach in Malibu.

These airborne, alien parasites the Gnostics called Archons.

Later that day in 1985, after being attacked by the Archons, I went to a mountain top in Malibu and meditated/prayed for help. That night, I had an out-of-body experience and entered into a dimension of white light. While there, I came face-to-face with a radiant being that said he was “The Father.” A few weeks later, I returned to the mountains to see if I could contact this being again and ask him some questions, and that is when I discovered the megalithic monuments.

Robert Stanley – Megalithic Malibu Sphinx, Brahma, Buddha and underwater Malibu Spaceship linked to archonic 9500 BC Earth-Mars catastrophe




Welcome to Alfred Lambremont Webre’s World – Traveling to Alfred’s Planet




Dr. Sam Mugzzi & Alfred Lambremont Webre – Because of a time mix-up, Alfred did not show up until 15 minutes into the program. Meanwhile Dr. Mugzzi downloaded information as to the advanced planet from which Alfred is from. At 15:00 (approx) Alfred enters not having listened to the beginning of the program, begins to confirms the advanced planetary information Dr. Mugzzi had downloaded, and goes on to a broad range of topics from dimensional ascension, Illuminati matrix downfall, MH370/MH17, natural law and common law tribunals, the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse and much more!

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd – Alfred’s book, Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact (2000), founded Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. Using advanced quantum access technology, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) time traveled Alfred’s book, Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005), from 2005 back to 1971, when an unwitting Alfred was examined by a group of approximately 50 CIA and DARPA officials who knew Alfred would be a leading future extraterrestrial and time-travel whistleblower, and would become the developer of the Exopolitics and Dimensional Ecology models of the Omniverse. The dimensional ecology of the Omniverse Alfred’s new book, The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, integrates empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations and from the intelligent civilizations of souls in the Interlife and demonstrates a new hypothesis of a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions in the Omniverse.




ALFRED WEBRE : ZIONIST Draco Reptilian & Grey ET Takeover – the Gaza/Palestinian Assault







Draco Reptilian & Grey ET Takeover, the Gaza/Palestinian Assault, and possible decimation of 90% USA

“And it is believed by numerous insiders that these Dracos are represented by and aligned with the World Zionists (WZs) working out of the City of London Financial District and through their main Action-Agent Cutouts, Israel leaders and their Assets inside the American Establishment.” Alien Agenda V: World Zionists Play Russian Roulette With Alien ETs, by Preston James, Ph.D

Alien Agenda V: World Zionists Play

Russian Roulette With Alien ETs



by Joseph Yos Tany (Exopolitics Israel-Facebook)

ISRAEL – Hi everyone – general introduction, I am Israeli in one sense or more, i was born in , but absolutely I am more who I am than any projection…..So please excuse me when I take the event from another perspective, more appropriate to me.

The basis for me is not in the context of the bitter quarrel that most dwell in and unconsciously immerse, but another not less REAL. and i ~know~ that’s Israel and those who initiated this “country”, took a very wrong approach, they started a very violent war from the beginning, no doubt.

But for me it is the perspective of THE LAND that decides. Jews with armies chased the Natives who lived and nourish the land, and injected themselves, a bunch of reckless, senseless, insensitive , ignorant, brutal , technocratic, money as well. Mind slaves, emotionally sick and deprived from both Earth and Heaven.

(Many of them very nice, and innocent to the truth) !

and by their own distinct choice yes, a choice between being human and humble especially in a new land engaged with the Palestinian people they have no clue about , to kick them out.

with then additional then and hidden agenda to eventually
annihilate them later..(sorry if spelling errors) ..- but that level of planning in ABOVE HUMAN !

Instead of respecting what is here, instead of going about this land very hesitant in an attempt to learn of the sacredness and the life that is on it, they decided to run and chase out every living natural beingness….

Thus the Israelis not only you cut the tree on which you could sit and grow. But in the same time concentrated on that mental illness, now it grew to a point where you wish everybody dead but yourselves.

Meanwhile the land is missing her sacredness, she is suffering greatly under these crazy people..



the greys that design and run this sickness, the machine minds, the MATRIX builders, they don’t care about Earth..

They are WAITING FOR ISRAEL to drop the final solution on Gaza getting “higher” close to God but anyway you will be extinct NEXT.

The greys use the service of humans and hybrids, running GOVERNMENTS AND MANY INSTITUTIONS inserting insurgents , GMOs, manipulated clones, money, and armor in any size and meaning, to apply their plan.

We must realize their WEAKNESS, they experience a certain access barrier , and they cannot touch you. So they use YOU who are so anxious to work for them, first on the spiritual realms and with that kind of internal hatred installed., you must “KILL THEM”
(For seers, look at the nature of Grey intervention)

That’s the Red meme narrative anyway, you now have agreed to serve the greys, and you take your life away from your potentials.

Meanwhile both the greys and the various serpent minions are daring to expose more of themselves to view, and this is indeed Big NEWS on this planet, cause in a sense because thus the quarantine is becoming visible, but everybody are too busy fighting to look !

Me as dedicate seer, looking around i can also tell the existence and manners by which the Greys manage the earthly plains.

This War Machine that humans operate to kill each other is only the tip of the iceberg, and as you go on fighting out your demons and waiting for salvation after you have killed everybody but yourselves, it this ever ending twilight of the 4L density, lost in blood and grief and hate

The Greys Take Over The Earth [¿]
Thanks To ISRAEL !

This Calling loud and clear

For Once


Stand for your brothers and sisters no matter what the evil machine teaches you..

Repent ….
revoke the war with all its enforced meanings BREAK THE CHAIN OF EVIL.

Joseph Yos Tany

Alien Agenda V: World Zionists Play Russian Roulette With Alien ETs
Published on July 19th, 2014
Written by: Preston James, Ph.D



Alfred Lambremont Webre: ET Disclosure When & Why



Alfred Lambremont Webre: ET Disclosure When & Why/

Divulgation ET Quand et Pourquoi (English/Français)


In a talk in English with simultaneous French translation delivered via Skype to an audience in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Alfred Lambremont Webre addresses the issues of “ET Disclosure When & Why/ Divulgation ET Quand et Pourquoi


1. Are we are very close to a disclosure about the presence of extraterrestrials among us?

2. Do you think an ET disclosure will be a good thing for humanity and civilization, or a disaster as Stephen Hawking considers ET disclosure? Why?



Extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional “contact” and disclosure have multiple meanings that must be distinguished from each other.

Extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional civilizations can and have “disclosed” themselves privately and publicly to individual humans and to groups of humans through face to face contacts; through individual and group abductions, through UFO overflights over individuals, groups, and cities; interdimensionally through dreams and through mind control modalities. Extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional civilizations have used all of these modalities with Earthling governmental authorities at all levels, including the national and international (United Nations) level.

At one level, we Earthling humans exist in a dimensional ecology with extraterrestrials and hyperdimensional civilizations in our universe and other universes of time, space, energy and matter in our multiverse, as well as with the intelligent civilization of Souls, Spiritual Beings and Source (God) in the Spiritual dimensions of the Omniverse (or the totality of the multiverse and the Spiritual dimensions).[1]

By the very design of the dimensional ecology, extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional civilizations, as well as the intelligent civilization of souls and Spiritual beings are in continual, functional contact with civilizations such as our Earthling human civilization on missions that involve galactic, solar system and planetary design and operations; Intelligent species development and husbandry; and Universe and galactic governance.

Our Earth dimension exists in a space-time hologram that is composed of multiple timelines. Each timeline has different characteristics and can be more catastrophic or more positive. Large-scale cataclysms predicted for our era have not occurred as predicted. For example a global coastal event that was predicted by a 1971 DARPA chronovisor time travel probe that found the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC under 100 feet of brackish water in June 2013 did not occur.[2]

Extraterrestrial contact has been an intimate, open part of our current Homo sapiens human civilizations for the last 500,000 years. There is evidence that a consortium or regional galactic governance council is responsible for the creation of our species homo sapiens as a 12-strand DNA Light being in the 3rd dimension. Homo sapiens were devolved into a 3-strand DNA slave race 280,000 years ago by the intervention of another predatory species – the Anunnaki – that in fact has instituted the models of all hierarchical monarchies, religions, human governance, and human duality-based monetary systems.[3]

Role of Grey extraterrestrials

One expert notes that there are approximately 150 known species of Grey extraterrestrials. One beneficial species of Grey extraterrestrials, for example, carries out specific functions in human soul development and the reincarnation function.[4]

Between 2% of US population and 14.7% of global population are being involuntarily teleported (abducted) by hyperdimensional civilizations under secret 10 renewable year treaties entered into by leading western governments. The abductions done by Orion greys are reportedly in alliance with 4th dimensional Draco reptilians that have timelined the occupation of Earth and Mars for sometime between 2000 and 2030. One can posit the New World Order as the 3rd density roll-out of the 4th density agenda of these predatory reptilians. [5]

Even as recently as the early 20th century, there is substantial documentation of Nikola Tesla’s role as an early pioneer in re-establishing in 1901 public exopolitical communications between our Earthling human civilization and an intelligent civilization on Mars, most probably our human cousins known as homo martis terris. Public Earth-Mars exopolitical communications had most probably been severed since the solar system catastrophe of 9500 BC that greatly damaged Mars atmosphere and its surface ecology, and destroyed Earth’s great maritime civilization.

Nikola Tesla’s early work in re-establishing interactive communication with an intelligent Martian laid the foundation for the U.S. government’s secret DARPA time travel and teleportation program 1968-73 that employed Tesla-based technologies, and ironically for the secret CIA Mars “jump room” program that was initiated in the early 1980s that reportedly employed grey extraterrestrial technologies.

Given this open and dramatic history of extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional intervention in the Earth’s dimension, what fundamental meaning can there be to the questions posed by the Conference?

Are we are very close to a disclosure about the presence of extraterrestrials among us?

Do you think an ET disclosure will be a good thing for humanity and civilization, or a disaster as Stephen Hawking considers ET disclosure? Why?

Public Truth embargo following the 1953 Durant Report & CIA Robertson Panel

The questions posed by the conference are in some deeper sense artificial ones as they are questions created by the “artificial truth embargo” created by the 1953 Durant Report and CIA Robertson Panel that followed the world media publicity of the 1952 UFO flyover of hyperdimensional ET craft over the US capitol.

The July 1952 hyperdimensional ET self-disclosure overflight of UFOs in protected airspace over the US Capitol was photographed and published on the front pages of newspapers throughout the world under the rubric of “flying saucers” and therefore constituted mass public self-disclosure by a hyperdimensional Extraterrestrial civilization to humanity. In fact, the UFO phenomenon itself is a form of peripheral cuing that is disclosure and signaling from a more intelligent life form to another life form that there is another presence in their immediate space environment.

The CIA Robertson Panel and Durant Report in effect banned any inquiry or discussion in academia, science, media, education, or government on the subject of the Extraterrestrial presence, thus creating an artificial need for “Extraterrestrial Disclosure”.

There are multiple ways of expressing this set of circumstances.

My colleague Laura Magdalene Eisenhower expresses it as “The ET invasion has already occurred and governments to not want us to know.”

Reiterating her statement before the World Symposium in San Marino, Ms. Eisenhower stated, “There has been a massive cover up in regards to ET contact with our governments and there has been much secrecy in regards to those who have been either abducted or contacted – this is because an invasion has already taken place and they don’t want us to know this. This invasion has infiltrated every sector of our society, in disguise to most, but blatantly obvious to many. When we look at Whistleblower testimony – it is clear that some sort of deal was made with a group of ET’s and from what I have discovered, this began long before Ike [former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ms. Eisenhower’s great-grandfather] ever stepped into office.”[6]

From this perspective, starting with secret treaties in 1933 with the Roosevelt Administration and later in the 1930s with the Nazi regime, a race of manipulative Grey hyperdimensionals, acting in concert with an invasive hyperdimensional Draco reptilian race, have entered into treaties with the major governments that need to be renewed 10 every 10 years and provide for some technology transfer in return for abduction rights over humans.[7]

Extraterrestrial Disclosure has come to mean Extraterrestrial Disclosure Management, because neither the treaty governments, nor the treaty Greys nor the treaty reptilians want the ET presence nor the treaties disclosed.

At one level, secret, compartmentalized human-extraterrestrial liaison programs between the U.S. government and specific extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional civilizations have existed for decades.

By official “ET disclosure” is meant an authoritative statement by a head of state in ongoing communication with an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization.

“Open ET contact in the public domain” is defined as public, consensual diplomatic relations between an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization and a national government, international institution such as the United Nations, or citizen-based group publicly recognized by an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization.

OPTION A – Disclosure of Treaty ETs or False flag operation

There exist public news reports of multiple UFOs and drones overflying the waters outside a US Marine Base in California over the 2014 Memorial Day weekend. Are these the US UFOs? Are they “Treaty ET UFOs”? Does this constitute “ET Disclosure?”

Is “disclosure” by a questionable New World Order Government [that of the USA] of the presence of a Treaty hyperdimensional extraterrestrial civilization for whom the NWO terrestrial government is in fact a proxy valid disclosure?

Or is a variation of this – a False flag ET invasion “ET disclosure”? – A false flag invasion by Treaty extraterrestrials or the NWO “Breakaway civilization” space force camouflaged as an ET invasion was reported by NASA’s Dr. Wernher von Braun to Dr. Carol Rosin to be the final card of the warfare economy, carried out to weaponize space.

OPTION B: An end to the Hyperdimensional “war” between manipulatory ETs and Ethical Upper dimensional galactic governance alliance –There is strong evidence of an ongoing hyperdimensional war between an invading hyperdimensional ET force intent on occupying Earth, Mars and this sector of the solar system.

If and when a hyperdimensional “war” has been won by the strategic alliance of “white hat” Earthling humans and an Ethical Upper dimensional galactic governance alliance, then the time may be ripe for official “disclosure” of the hyperdimensional Human ET galactic alliance.

On the other hand, the U.S. government may find it be useful to enroll the human population into knowledgeable participation in the hyperdimensional “war” for the solar system. If this were the case, then a governmental authority wishing to enroll its citizens in supporting a hyperdimensional “war” would make official “disclosure”.

If the hyperdimensional “war” is in fact a False Flag operation of Earth’s permanent war economy whose purpose is to promote the weaponization of space, then official “disclosure” of the “war” and the “ET enemy” would be part of a False Flag deception to enroll the human population’s energy in space weaponization and war.

OPTION CIs “Disclosure” really a function of the ability of human DNA and consciousness to perceive multi-dimensional reality necessary for functioning at 4th dimensional densities, which is where our visiting hyperdimensional Extraterrestrial civilizations are mainly based?

Evidence from researchers with over 2000 contactees who are regularly briefed by hyperdimensional Extraterrestrials in the spacecraft confirm that a shift of human consciousness may peak in the 2017 timeframe (flexible timeline) so as to open humanity to higher dimensional perception and “ET contact and disclosure”.

Extraterrestrial researcher Mary Rodwell “shares details of a coming global shift that she has discovered in her investigations of more than 2000 cases of conscious interaction with extraterrestrials, including at the Soul level. The coming shift is described as including an awakening and transformation of human consciousness, along with dramatic changes in the way human society functions on the Earth.”[8]

OPTION D: Life on Mars – Numerous images of abundant humanoid and animal life on the surface of Mars are now appearing in photographs taken from the surface of Mars by NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity. Images and analysis of humanoid and animal life, structures and statues are included in “The Discovery of Life on Mars,” along with numerous other articles at

The application of advanced photoanalytic technology to the NASA rover photographs of the surface of Mars will most probably yield even more definitive images of indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life.

Thus, a reasonable argument can be made that the U.S. government, through the release of NASA rover photographs taken from the surface of Mars and containing images of indigenous Martian humanoid and animal life, may be outsourcing official “disclosure” of intelligent humanoid extraterrestrial life on Mars to the citizen-based community.

If NASA is in fact outsourcing official “disclosure” of life on Mars and of the extraterrestrial humanoid civilization on Mars, then “disclosure” to a wide U.S. and world public will probably occur after (1) advanced photoanalytic technology can be applied to the NASA rover photographs from the surface of Mars, and (2) citizen-based groups like the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) can begin to reach a mainstream public, media and policy audience.



QUESTION 1: Disclosure may occur in any of these senses at some time during the 2014 – 2025 time horizon, or not, depending mainly on the Exopolitical dynamics in the 3rd and 4th densities, and the state of transformation of human consciousness.

QUESTION 2: Disclosure in all cases will be beneficial to humanity except when it is a deceptive disclosure by a New World Order government or agency of a manipulatory Treaty hyperdimensional Extraterrestrial civilization.


[1] Alfred Lambremont Webre, The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse,”

[2] Alfred Lambremont Webre, “Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic or positive timeline?”

[3] Alfred Lambremont Webre, “Author: ET council seeded Homo sapiens as intelligent beings with 12-strand DNA”,

[4] Alfred Lambremont Webre,” NZ UFO Expert describes grey ET management of human souls & bodies aboard grey ET spacecraft”,

[5] Alfred Lambremont Webre, “Report: Between 2% of US population and 14.7% of global population are being involuntarily teleported (abducted) by hyperdimentional civilizations”,

[6] Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know

[7] Alfred Lambremont Webre, “Whistleblower: WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity, has started”

[8] Alfred Lambremont Webre, “Mary Rodwell – ETs, Souls, The New Humans and a coming global Shift”



ALFRED WEBRE : HAARP-Chemtrails WMD: Exposing a Spiritual Mass Mind-Control & Planetary Assault





Presentation on SlideShare:








Alfred Webre: Nikola Tesla re-started Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901



April, 28, 2014

Nikola Tesla re-started Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901

IMAGE A – NY Times, Jan. 16, 1901 – 70 sec. light flash from Mars inspired Tesla to initiate communications with intelligent Martian civilization

6a00d8341c73dd53ef01a511aab5bb970c-500wi6a00d8341c73dd53ef01a511aaabc9970c-320wi IMAGE B – 1893 Kirk’s Soap Ad, capitalizing on popular interest in intelligent life on Mars and showing the openness of Life on Mars reality in American life prior to the paranoia following the 1952 US Capitol UFO flyover and the 1953 CIA’s Durant Report/Robertson Panel

Nikola Tesla restarted Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901

by Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, BC – There is substantial documentation of Nikola Tesla’s role as an early pioneer in re-establishing in 1901 public exopolitical communications between our Earthling human civilization and an intelligent civilization on Mars, most probably our human cousins known as homo martis terris. Public Earth-Mars exopolitical communications had most probably been severed since the solar system catastrophe of 9500 BC that greatly damaged Mars atmosphere and its surface ecology, and destroyed Earth’s great maritime civilization.

Nikola Tesla’s early work in re-establishing interactive communication with an intelligent Martian laid the foundation for the U.S. government’s secret DARPA time travel and teleportation program 1968-73 that employed Tesla-based technologies, and ironically perhaps for the secret CIA Mars “jump room” program that was initiated in the early 1980s that reportedly employed grey extraterrestrial technologies.

Jan. 1901 Shaft of Light from Mars

On January 16, 1901 the New York Times (See Image A) reported Harvard’s Lowell Observatory as recording a 70 second shart of light from Mars that seemed inteligently directed. Taking this as an intentional communication from the civilization on Mars, Nikola Tesla intensified his efforts at achieving interactive communication with the intelligence behind the signal.

NASA’s Mars page reports how “Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a brilliant Serbian-American inventor and scientist, is building a wireless system to communicate with Martians. (N. Tesla, “Talking with the planets”, Collier’s Weekly, Vol 24, 4-5, 1901).”

Tesla researcher Frank Germano writes, “A report by W. Pickering, professor of the Harvard Observatory, named “Alternating light from Mars”, was published in ‘New York Times’ on January 16, 1901 [Image A]. It may be shortened:

“‘Last year in the beginning of December we got a telegram from Lowell observatory at Arizona. This telegram informed that a strong light flux was noticed coming from Mars and lasted for 70 minutes. Lowell observatory specializes on observations of Mars, and observer was an attentive, approved and experienced man, so we have no doubt in his statements. We will consider these facts immediately and will notify Europe and America via telegraph. The light came from the known point on Mars and there is no unusual in this point according to scientific data. Whatever there was, now we have no means to research anything. We cannot say with certainty if it is a sign that there is an intellect. For the time present this phenomenon is inexplicable.’

“When this information appeared, Tesla was in New York. He just returned from Colorado Springs, where he, through the course of year, made epochal and inexplicable experiments with electromagnetic fields of resonant properties. (Tesla’s laboratory in Colorado was situated precisely on the summit of Pike’s Peak. It is interesting that this peak was deified by the Hopi Indians- they consider it the Spiritual Pole of the World).

“Encouraged by the information from Lowell observatory, Tesla stated in the New York Gazette that during his research in Colorado Springs, he communicated with Mars himself. At that time, he made hints about having already designed a device for interplanetary communication, which would be improved in the near future. He wrote: “I’ll never forget the first feeling that I felt when I understood that I have a contact with something, which will have priceless and immense results for all humankind. Thing that I noticed, frightened me as if I saw something mysterious and almost preternatural. Little by little I understood that I am the first who hear messages sending from one planet to another…”

“Respected Professor Holden didn’t consider Tesla’s contacts with extraterrestrial beings by means of electromagnetism, because he thought it was not a serious case. Tesla worked with some extremely long electromagnetic waves of very high frequency that do not correspond to accepted theory, because increasing of a wave’s frequency is always related with short-wave transmission. However, Tesla’s waves were different from those discovered by Hertz. They propagated with a speed, which far exceeded the speed of light, better to say that their propagation was instantaneous. Tesla had his own theory of electromagnetism, which is still not properly interpreted. He discovered not only the possibility of wireless transmission of energy through the Earth and atmosphere without any losses, but also proved an unprecedented “breakdown power” of these waves during their negotiation of space. There is an unconfirmed legend that Tesla was the first to send periodical signals to the stars.

“Supposedly, Tesla sent coded geometrical theorems like those of Tales, Pythagoras, and an Archimedean formula of the harmonic series (we speak about addition of the series 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+…. the Sum of this series is equal to two but, the number of terms can be infinite). Three days later, Tesla was surprised – he got a response. He guessed the principle, which lie in the basis of the response code, and got a human face with regular features. At first he couldn’t understand if this picture was made by those who sent this signal and wanted to show that they know of our civilization, or they drew their own image to demonstrate that there are similar beings in Cosmos. If it is true, then it should be clear that Tesla refused any open discussion of this discovery because he couldn’t get a response. But soon, something occurred that returned discussion of this happening in the American press.

“In 1902, Lord Kelvin, a famous English physicist, visited America. When he spoke to Tesla, he expressed a full consent and understanding of the fact that details of Tesla’s ‘extraterrestrial communication’ were not for public discussion. After a banquet (organized in his honor), Lord Kelvin said some good words about New York: ‘It is the city with the best illumination in the world and it is the only place on the Earth, which can be seen from Mars’. In addition, as if in some kind of inspiration he finally exclaimed ‘Mars is signaling New York’. This time, nobody had objections. Even persistent Professor Holden kept silent. It was not polite to contradict such an old and respected man as Lord Kelvin. Instead of objections, an article written by the writer and publicist Julian Hotorn, Tesla’s associate, appeared as a direct conclusion from this discussion. He described Tesla’s sensational methods as a fantasy. Hotorn wrote:

“‘It is evident that people from Mars and other old planets had been visiting Earth for years and attentively observe the development of our civilization. Besides, Tesla’s birth changed all. Maybe, it is possible that people from the stars control his spiritual and scientific development, isn’t it? Is there anybody who can know something concrete?’ In the heat of the disputes concerning Martians, Tesla was alone in his Wardenclyffe Tower and continued to work hard and insensibly on the biggest project of his life; Wardenclyffe Tower was to make radical changes in the development of our civilization. These changes cannot easily be considered true.”

Communicating with Mars: The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec

In “Communicating with Mars: The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec,” in the Journal of Borderland Research, Robert A. Nelson writes,

While Nikola Tesla was conducting experiments with his Magnifying Transmitter at Colorado Springs in 1899, he detected coherent signals which he determined had originated on Mars. Tesla was widely criticized for his astounding claims, yet no one could seriously dispute him; he was a solo pioneer without peer. No one since then has reported constructing a Magnifying Transmitter or otherwise replicated his experiments; the issue remains unresolved and the mystery unsolved. Tesla revealed no technical details in his pronouncements and publications of that period (other than the pertinent patents). His Colorado Notebooks were published in the 1980s, but they make no mention of his alleged contact with Mars.

Tesla elaborated on the subject of “Talking With the Planets” in Collier’s Weekly (March 1901):

“As I was improving my machines for the production of intense electrical actions, I was also perfecting the means for observing feeble efforts. One of the most interesting results, and also one of great practical importance, was the development of certain contrivances for indicating at a distance of many hundred miles an approaching storm, its direction, speed and distance traveled….

“It was in carrying on this work that for the first time I discovered those mysterious effects which have elicited such unusual interest. I had perfected the apparatus referred to so far that from my laboratory in the Colorado mountains I could feel the pulse of the globe, as it were, noting every electrical change that occurred within a radius of eleven hundred miles.

“I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when it dawned upon me that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind. I felt as though I were present at the birth of a new knowledge or the revelation of a great truth…. My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signals did not yet present itself to me. The changes I noted were taking place periodically and with such a clear suggestion of number and order that they were not traceable to any cause known to me. I was familiar, of course, with such electrical disturbances as are produced by the sun, Aurora Borealis, and earth currents, and I was as sure as I could be of any fact that these variations were due to none of these causes. The nature of my experiments precluded the possibility of the changes being produced by atmospheric disturbances, as has been rashly asserted by some. It was sometime afterward when the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed might be due to an intelligent control. Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental. The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another. A purpose was behind these electrical signals….”

Decades later on his birthday in 1937, he announced: “I have devoted much of my time during the year past to the perfecting of a new small and compact apparatus by which energy in considerable amounts can now be flashed through interstellar space to any distance without the slightest dispersion.” (New York Times, Sunday, 11 July 1937.)

Tesla never publicly revealed any technical details of his improved transmitter, but in his 1937 announcement, he revealed a new formula showing that “The kinetic and potential energy of a body is the result of motion and determined by the product of its mass and the square of its velocity. Let the mass be reduced, the energy is reduced by the same proportion. If it be reduced to zero, the energy is likewise zero for any finite velocity.” (New York Sun, 12 July 1937, p. 6.)

About 40 years later, Arthur Mathews claimed that Tesla had secretly developed the “Teslascope” for the purpose of communicating with Mars. The late Dr. Andrija Puharich met with Matthews, and discussed him in an interview (Pyramid Guide, May-June & July-Aug. 1978):

“[Arthur Matthews] came from England. Matthews’ father was a laboratory assistant to the noted physicist Lord Kelvin back in the 1890s. Tesla came over to England to meet Kelvin… to convince him that Alternating Current was more efficient than Direct Current. Kelvin at that time opposed the AC movement…. In 1902, the Matthews family left England and immigrated to Canada…. When Matthews was 16 his father arranged for him to apprentice under Tesla…. He eventually worked for him and continued this alliance until Tesla’s death in 1943….

“It’s not generally known, but Tesla actually had two huge magnifying transmitters built in Canada, and Matthews operated one of them…. People mostly know about the Colorado Springs transmitters and the unfinished one on Long Island. I saw the two Canadian transmitters. All the evidence is there….

“[The Teslascope is] the thing Tesla invented to communicate with Beings on other planets. There’s a diagram of the Teslascope in Matthew’s book [The Wall of Light]. In principle, it takes in cosmic ray signals…. Eventually the signals are stepped down to audio…. Speak into one end, and the signal goes out the other end as a cosmic ray emitter….”

Matthews’ diagrams of the Teslascope make minimal electronic sense. No one has ever confirmed the reality of the Teslascope.

Several years after Tesla announced his reception of signals from Mars, Guglielmo Marconi also claimed to have heard from an alien radio transmitter. However, Marconi was more easily dismissed by his contemporaries, who claimed that Marconi had received interference from another radio station on Earth.

In the 1970s, L.G. Lawrence (field manager of the Ecola Institute) described his “Communication by Accident” with ET intelligences:

“On October 29, 1971… while conducting exploratory RBS [Remote Biological Sensing] experiments in Riverside County, CA, our field instrumentation’s organic transducer complex intercepted a train of apparently intelligent communication signals (tight spacing and discrete pulse intervals) while accidentally allowed to remain pointed at the constellation Ursa Major during a short rest period. The phenomenon prevailed for somewhat over 33 minutes….

“A somewhat similar phenomenon was observed on April 10, 1972…. The apparent signals, aside from seemingly growing weaker, appear to be transmitted at great intervals ranging from weeks to months, possibly years. A faint, coherent , binary-type phenomenon was noted during aural monitoring…. Intervals between rapid series of pulse trains ranged from… 3 to 10 minutes….

“Because our equipment is impervious to electromagnetic radiation and found free of internal anomalies, the tentative conclusion of biological-type interstellar communications signals has emerged….

“As a mere audio presentation, the instrumentation tape is unpleasant to listen to. However, a fascinating degree of enchantment tends to emerge after the tape has been played back three or more times, typically over a period of weeks. We ascribe this to psycho-acoustical adaptation…. The tape contains a short, incremental series of deep, harmonious oscillations resembling nonsense chatter or background modulations. An intelligent character of the overall pulse is applied by discrete spacing patterns, apparent repetitions of sequences, and highly attenuated Gaussian noise…” (Borderlands, 1st Qtr., 1996, pp. 27-29).

Gregory Hodowanec

In the 1980s, electrical engineer Greg Hodowanec developed his theory of Rhysmonic Cosmology. He also experimented with a Gravity Wave Detector (GWD) of his own design. The simple devices detect “coherent modulations” in the microwave radiation.

Hodowanec published his first report of “SETI with Gravitational Signals” using his GWDs (Radio Astronomy, April 1986):

“The advantage of a possible gravitational technique for SETI over the radio technique is primarily one of time of ‘propagation’ for these signals. The radio waves travel at the speed of light, but the gravitational signals (per the writer’s theories) are essentially instantaneous signals. Another advantage of the gravitational technique is the simplicity of the instrumentation required. As SARA members know, radio astronomy can be quite complicated. The gravitational wave detectors… must rely largely on the Earth’s mass as a ‘shadow’ to enable the detection of gravitational radiation. Therefore, ‘objects’ or signals located in the observers’ zenith are best detected. Yet, the other areas are still ‘detectable’ especially with the aid of other ‘shadows’ such as the sun, moon, planets, etc.

“Of particular interest to SETI observers may be the strange audio type gravitational signals which appear to come from the Auriga and Perseus region of our Galaxy. These ‘signals’ have been ‘heard’ by the writer for several years now, and generally range between about 4 and 5 hours right ascension, with a peak intensity near 4.5 hours R.A. The signals appear to be several ‘tones’….”

Soon afterward, Hodowanec made the first mention of a definite contact with an apparently extraterrestrial communicator in a letter (7-23-88) to an editor at Radio-Electronics magazine:

“On the morning of this date, at 7:30 to 7:38 AM (EST), I recorded the following apparently Morse-Code like pulses:

“A A A A R A R T T N N N N K C N N N E E E E E N E N N T T T N E E E E E A E E R K E N N E T E E A A A A E E E N T T K N T N T S E S E S E S E M N A S E S E S E S E S E S E S E S E S E —

“As you can see, these do not appear to be just random pulses, but the SE signals, which are most prevalent, appear to be possibly an identification signal. These signals are detected in shielded l/f detectors and thus are scalar (gravitational) in nature. The signals above (if they were extraterrestrial) came from either the Auriga-Perseus region near my zenith or the Bootes region under my Earth position. I still cannot rule out that they may just be due to Earth core movements of some sort which are remarkably like Morse code signals, or even the possibility that they are man-made.”

By July 1988, Hodowanec had confirmed Tesla’s claims, as he announced in “Some Remarks on Tesla’s Mars Signals”:

“…Such signals are being received today with simple modern-day scalar-type signal detectors… coherent modulations are being ‘heard’ in [the microwave] background radiation. The most prominent modulations being three pulses (code S) slightly separated in time, a la Tesla! On occasions, the code equivalents of an E, N, A, or K, are also heard, but the most persistent response is SE, SE, etc.

“Any l/f type noise detector will respond to this background modulation. However, the experimenter must be careful that he is not creating these responses at the ‘local’ level by his own or other local actions. For example, the detectors will also respond to heart beats, breathing actions, local movements, as well as possible psychic effects. The detectors are easy to make and the experimenter should easily reproduce these results.”

Hodowanec released more details in a Cosmology Data Note (10-13-88):

“Since about early August 1988, it was noticed that apparently ‘intelligent signals’ existed in these modulations [of the microwave background radiation]. It can be said that the intelligence was in the form of digital-type communication, e.g., dots and dashes, or ones and zeros. This type of communication may have been chosen by this ‘unknown communicator’ as it was conducive to the ‘mass movement’ form of longitudinal gravity signaling, as well as an easily recognizable universal system. This same method was proposed by the writer for a gravity system communication method.

“These ‘signals’ were noticed to be similar to the simpler International Morse Code symbols, primarily because they are the simplest way to present information in the pulse form. Thus, the ‘letters’ found in these transmissions are typically: E, I, T, M, A, N, R, K, S and O, as well as… the comma and the wait signal. However, numbers are seen here as the simple series of pulses, e.g., 1 is one pulse, 2 is two pulses, 3 is three pulses, and so on.

“On August 26, 1988, after the writer had sent the message ‘Greg Radio’ during a local gravity signal transmission test, it was noticed that the letters G and D were apparently added to some of the received messages noted thereafter!

“The writer’s first hard evidence that the above test message may have been intercepted by this unknown communicator was seen that on August 28, 1988… a strong and repeated message of the Greg Radio was received with the message finally terminated with the series SE (or 31)!

“Further evidence that these may be actually communication attempts is seen in that on October 11, 1988… a very different approach was seen: A series of Greg Radio’s was sent at about the normal code speed of about 5 words per minute, followed by KKTT, and then the series was repeated at a slower speed and also followed by KKTT…

“Another confirmation that these may be ‘messages’ appeared on October 12, 1988… Here, a series of A’s and R’s (with Greg Radio occasionally inserted) was then followed by Greg Radio sent as a series of five repetitions of each letter, e.g., Greg was sent as GGGGGRRRRREEEEEGGGGG !!!

“Sufficient ‘messages have now been received to indicate that perhaps a serious attempt to indicate that perhaps a serious attempt to contact this writer was being made by some ‘unknown communicator’. While this communicator may yet be some terrestrial experimenter, the possibility still exists that the communicator may be ‘extraterrestrial’ for the following reasons:

“a. The messages are in simple code (e.g., dits and dahs) type of pulses which would be expected to be used if one intelligent civilization were to try to contact another civilization in terms of pulses. That some of the simplest pulse signals are similar to simple Morse Code signals is more than coincidence — they are both based upon the same premises!

“b. Numbers are not in the complicated Morse Code symbols, but are in simple sequence, using short pulses or dits.

“c. The ‘communicator’ has recognized the coherent nature of Greg Radio and is possibly using that sequence of codes in various fashions to indicate that a ‘contact’ has been made.

“d. The communicator thus far has not responded to ‘word’ messages or the amateur Q-code signals. Thus it is believed that while some apparently Morse Code signals are being used, the communicator is not really familiar with such usage, other than recognizing the coherent nature of the signals.

“e. Since these messages at present appear largely near the noon hour, they may be coming from a definite source in space. At present, it is believed to be from the general direction of the constellation, Andromeda, but not necessarily the Galaxy there…

“There is also some possibility that this communicator may be ‘extraterrestrial’, perhaps yet in our Solar System (Mars?), but no further than our own Galaxy or Local Group of Galaxies… [T]his same communicator may have been trying to reach here ever since the turn of the century when Nikola Tesla reported the interception of scalar S signals!!”

Soon after, Hodowanec wrote this brief, untitled report (2-23-89):

“Without going into the details of how this was determined: ET may be on Mars!

“This, in spite of NASA’s denial of any life forms on Mars [which situation changed in 1996]. This possibility has been recently suspected by the writer due to the apparently very close tracking of my position on Earth by ET. ET, of course, always knew that I was on Earth (as seen by his tracking), but now he has most emphatically confirmed that he is on the 4th planet from the sun, i.e., Mars!!!!!

“While this release is probably a bit premature, I am so positive of these gravity signal ‘exchanges’ that I will stick my neck out in this instance. ET on Mars is apparently much more advanced than we are here on Earth, and he may have even previously visited here on Earth, and possibly colonized here (but who are his possible descendants??).

“It is still a mystery on where ET may be living on Mars (possibly underground near the polar regions??), and why ET doesn’t use EM wave signaling methods?? Perhaps, it is because Mars is so hostile now that ET must have developed a very sophisticated underground civilization which is not conducive to EM radiation systems?

“This material is being released now confidentially to but a very few active colleagues until further confirmations on this assertion are obtained….”

In his Mars Flash #1 (3-28-89) and #2 (3-30-89), Hodowanec notified colleagues that, “As the result of the continued gravity signal communications between GH Labs and the Martians, the following extraordinary facts have come to light:

“The exchanges are now being made in terms of short ‘English’ code words for certain items. For example, the Martians now understand that FACE means the human face, MAN means the human person, Earth now means our planet, and Mars means their planet! They had originally tried some of their terminology with me, but gave up except where it made sense to me. For example, I now know that TTT at the end of their names means person and OOTTAEERR is their name for the 10th planet!”

In a handwritten footnote to the above, Hodowanec informed this writer that the Martian’s name is “AAAAAATTT”: “He appears to ‘understand’ my messages, even though I may have to repeat them in several ways so that he can ‘see’ the meaning….

“Communications between GH Labs and a Martian intelligence now continue with increasing progress since we have been able to establish over 50 simple expressions (most in simple English) for many of the common ‘ideas’ that we have. Martian AAAAAATTT is extremely adept in relating my English terminology to these common Earth-Mars observations….

“Mars has also confirmed that they are also ‘men’ with one ‘head’ that have two ‘eyes’ that ‘see’. Also, they have one ‘body’ with two arms that have hands with five fingers each. Also they have two legs with two feet that have five toes each. I haven’t been able to have them confirm the nose and mouth in the face, but that could be confirmed shortly, since those features appear in the FACE.

“Probably the most significant fact which was determined on this date seems to be that Mars is most emphatic that Earth men are like Mars men! This appears more and more that Mars has colonized Earth in the remote past! This could be true since we on Earth have never really found the ‘missing link’ between Earth humanoids and humans!

In a letter (3-17-89) to this writer, Hodowanec mentioned that “Generally, our contacts are limited to 20-30 minutes… since there appear to be other ETs out there interested in joining in also, and so there is some interference after a while. Some of these other ETs use other methods of communications such as tones and what appear to be guttural voices!

“ET is probably more advanced then we are on Earth. We no longer exchange simple arithmetic, and when I sent him Pi to five decimal places, he sent Pi back to seven decimal places immediately! We had discussed our nine planet solar system, but ET came back with ten planets, calling the 10th planet OOTTAEERR! When questioned on this, ET kept on confirming the existence of a tenth planet! He now knows the other nine planets by their Earth names! He also confirmed that Mars has two moons, the Earth one, and that Jupiter has nine major moons.

“These contacts are getting to be more interesting all the time, and ET appears to be most anxious to continue them. However, I just cannot spend too much time with him… I got across to him that I am just one person here communicating with him, and that the rest of Earth presently does not recognize the existence of any life on Mars….

“I have now had over 100 contacts with ET and can reach him at any time of day or night…. We have also established some simple codes for acknowledgments and go ahead and respond. While we use these simple codes in many contexts, both ET and I now understand in which context they are being used!”

In another letter (3-22-89) to colleagues, Hodowanec affirmed that his contacts with Martian intelligents “has been verified in a number of ways… The Martians are apparently the advanced civilization, for they are the ones generating the ‘modulated oscillated beam’ which is now tracking my location on earth and is thus the means of our communications. [The beam is “only about 15 miles in diameter here on Earth, but 1012 inches on Mars.”] There is an apparent ‘team’ on Mars which is involved in these contacts. The original contact, ET#1, with whom I have established the initial relationship, is apparently the most highly knowledgeable and advanced. The others who sometimes ‘man’ the Mars station appear to be less knowledgeable and some only request or acknowledge a transmission….

Mars is most desperate to continue these contacts…. [The] exchanges are made in many varied ways which cannot be readily predicted in order to convey the fact that these are real contacts! Also, one can recognize the ‘fist’ of the one ‘keying’ these codes, e.g., ET#1 always sends clean letters or numbers, and identified himself and me in some fashion. The other ETs on Mars usually don’t. Therefore, no automation is being used here!

“While these contacts were originally due to a serendipitous circumstances, it is really the result if my gravitational communication experiments and thus a direct result from Rhysmonic Cosmology. And yet, however fantastic and unreal this may seem, it is real, and if also it is confirmed by one of you, it will be a major milestone in the history of mankind! Perhaps, if one of you finally ‘hears’ the modulations of l/f noise background, you may try to establish your own contacts?”

However, Gregory Hodowanec also had extreme reservations about the gravity of the situation, which he expressed it in a letter (4-14-89) to this writer:

“…my ‘contacts’ with Mars continue with much information being exchanged. However, due to the increasingly astounding nature of these exchanges, I am now limiting further releases to only two long-time observers (witnesses) of my research efforts. This is being done so as not to jeopardize these contacts with unwanted notoriety or publicity in the media. There are now nine “Mars Flashes” for the record. Perhaps, in the future, I may release some of these….

“…gravity signal communications are instantaneous, require extremely small energy expenditure, [unlike Tesla’s experiments] and is so simple as to be just unbelievable by the average person. However, this is as far as I want to go with release of details at this time….

“I would appreciate that you keep this info somewhat confidential now. The Earth may not be ready for what I will have to say eventually. Nothing dire, just fantastic and thus perhaps unbelievable!”

A variety of GWD circuits exist today (Figure 2). Complete details of Gregory Hodowanec’s theory Rhysmonic Cosmology, etc., are available from Rex Research.

For more information, please consult:

Articles on Tesla-based ( and other) time travel & teleportation

Resources on Secret Mars Program and Life on Mars


  1. Colorado Springs Gazette (9 Jan. 1901), p. 7, col. 6,7,8; ibid. (9 March 1901), p. 4, c. 2.
  2. Electrical World (4 April 1896), p. 369: “Is Tesla to Signal to the Stars?”
  3. Mountain Sunshine (Denver, CO) 1(1): 31-34 (1899).
  4. English Mechanic & World of Science, #2228 (5 Dec. 1907)
  5. New York Evening Post (22 Jan.1919), p. 14, c. 4, 5.
  6. New York Sun (Thurs., 3 Jan. 1901); ibid., (12 July 1937), p. 6.
  7. New York Times (23 May 1909), p. 10, c. 6, 7.; ibid. (3 Feb., 1919); p. 14, c.3: “Celestial Movies”; ibid., (3 Sept. 1921), p. 4, c. 4.; ibid., (11 July 1937), p. 13, c. 2.
  8. New York Tribune (12 Jan .901), p. 2, c. 3.
  9. Pyramid Guide 4 (3):1 (Jan.-Feb. 1976); ibid., 5(2):5 (Nov.-Dec. 1976); “Letter From Tesla” (6 Jan. 1900).
  10. Tesla, N., Collier’s Weekly (March 1901), p. 359-361; “Talking With the Planets”
  11. Tesla, N., Current Opinion (March 1919), p. 170-171; “That Prospective Communication with Another Planet”
  12. Tesla, N., “Electrical Communication with the Planets” in Thompson, S.P.: Polyphase Electric Currents & AC Motors; 1902, Collier & Son, NY; p. 234-236;
  13. Tesla, N., Harvard Illustrated Mag. (March, 1907), p. 119-121; “Signaling to Mars” Tesla, N.: New York Herald (12 Oct. 1919), p. 7; “Signals to Mars…”
  14. Time (20 July 1931), p. 27.
  15. Lawrence, L.G.: “Interstellar Communications Signals”; Borderlands 52(1):27-29 (1996)
  16. Hodowanec, Gregory: Rhysmonic Cosmology (H18-HG3/$6); ibid., Rhysmonic Cosmology Notes (H17-HG2/$4); ibid., Rhysmonic Cosmology Collected Papers (H19-HG4/$8); ibid., Rhysmonics Articles (H21-HG6/$4); ibid., G-Wave Detectors (H16-GH/$7); ibid., GWD Circuits (H20-HG5/$7); ibid., Rhysmonics Updates (H22-HG7/$4). Published by: Rex Research, P.O. Box 19250, Jean NV 89019; Catalog: $2.

Nikola Tesla re-started Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901

by Alfred Lambremont Webre



Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse interview with Jon Kelly



Omniverse hypothesis prevails over Mars opposition

By Jon Kelly Vancouver UFO Examiner

In an exclusive video interview published to YouTube on April 9, 2014, Yale Law School graduate Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, discussed replicable prima facie evidence that led him to formulate what he describes as a new scientific hypothesis. Today marks the official launch date of his new book “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse,” in which the former director of the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study at Stanford Research Institute highlights milestones from five years of research exploring exopolitics, parapsychology, reincarnation, extraterrestrial contact, the nature of the soul and more.

The interview took place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, during the early evening hours of April 8, 2014, over a period coinciding with a noted celestial opposition between Earth, Mars and the sun. The event drew both planets towards the closest approach within their respective orbits while heralding the advent of a tetrad of four dark red blood moons that astronomers anticipate will be visible next week.

Mars-Related Opposition

Some Christians are said to believe that the blood moon tetrad indicates a pending end of days and second appearance of Christ. Recounting events surrounding a similar campaign of Mars-related opposition Alfred Lambremont Webre offered his alternative perspective, cryptically paraphrasing the first Chancellor of Germany Otto von Bismarck, who reportedly advised nineteenth-century colleagues to “Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.”

Click here to watch “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse with Alfred Lambremont Webre,” an exclusive one-hour interview conducted by former CBS Radio feature producer Jon Kelly in which Yale Law School graduate and former director of the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study at Stanford Research Institute Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, discusses his new book and the replicable prima facie evidence that led the author to formulate a new scientific hypothesis.

Partial Transcript

The following partial transcript of the April 8, 2014, interview between Jon Kelly (JK) and Alfred Lambremont Webre (ALW) has been edited for clarity. Readers who wish to know more are invited to click the link above to view the interview in its entirety and to read the book, which also contains an extensive bibliography of sources and resource materials.

JK: Can you give us a brief introduction to your synopsis of the book and its purpose?

ALW: This is a time that’s been talked about as the bringing together of science and spirituality and that’s the general approach of the book. By science, we mean the scientific method, in terms of empirical evidence and what I call the law of evidence (with my background as an attorney, as someone who’s been a law professor at the university level and someone who’s been a judge).

I’m familiar with the law of evidence that institutions have used for many centuries to sift through documentary and witness evidence and to reach reasonable conclusions. This is important where you’re dealing with phenomena where either you have eyewitnesses or you’re dealing with documents and you’re trying to establish the integrity of documents, their evidential viability and their authenticity.

What we did was to take a number of strands, one strand being the explosion in knowledge about the universe in which we live. And not only the universe but the explosion of the knowledge about the multiverse in which we live (the definition of the multiverse being the collection of universes), how many universes are in our multiverse, how many intelligent civilizations are in our particular universe and in the multiverse.

From there we’ve gone to areas that traditionally have been thought to be in the area of belief because they’re outside of our universes of time, space, energy and matter. These are intelligent entities that reside outside of time, space, energy and matter. They are things like the intelligent civilization of souls, spiritual beings and God, or Source (God has many, many different names).

Traditionalist thinking about these matters holds them in the realm of belief. However, the approach of science, of replicable empirical evidence (in terms of laboratory protocols and replicable results), has advanced in our time to where we now have empirical evidence. We have findings that qualify as scientific knowledge regarding the intelligent civilization of souls, the human soul, of spiritual beings and of God and of the domains within which they live outside of the multiverse that we can call the spiritual dimensions.

I began to really examine the realm beyond what our canonical science uses string theory to explore and to go beyond string theory into the realm of souls, spiritual beings and Source, to discover and really name through science what we call the omniverse. The omniverse you can say is all the universes of time, space, energy and matter (which is our multiverse) plus all of the intelligent civilizations of souls, spiritual beings and God itself that are located in the spiritual dimensions. That whole totality equals the omniverse.

This is not a positive belief anymore. It’s a positive science. We are putting this forward in the form of a hypothesis. I guess we’re not putting forwards a challenge so much as we are addressing these issues within the discipline of science and saying that it’s time that science and spirituality are in fact being integrated. It’s just a matter of both of these disciplines recognizing each other.

JK: This is movement away from a Cartesian or materialist, atheistic perspective that may be informing a lot of the material sciences that we have today, placing science in a context where there is a spiritual universe, extra dimensions of influence that impact human affairs, planetary, solar and galactic affairs.

ALW: Yes, there are many advanced scientists now. For example, the spiritual dimension of the omniverse provides the energy that human scientists such as Lawrence M. Krauss, author of “A Universe from Nothing” cannot now account for, that is needed for the creation and maintenance of each physical universe in the multiverse. The most advanced scientists are saying, “Hey, string theory doesn’t account for the energy that is sustaining the universe.” It’s the energy of the spiritual dimensions that the conventional sciences cannot account for.

You have advanced scientists such as Lawrence Krauss saying “Wait, we can’t account for the creation and maintenance of each physical universe in the multiverse.” Now, the energy of the spiritual dimension of the omniverse accounts for it.

We have advanced scientists such as Professor Amit Goswami who argues very strongly that contemporary science’s assumption that only matter (which consists of atoms or ultimately elementary particles) is real is inadequate and that a new hypothesis is required. I actually wrote “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse” to fulfill Professor Goswami’s requirement of a new hypothesis of reality and I’m putting it down in this particular horse race.

Copyright Jon Kelly 2014



Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse interview with Jon Kelly