Project Camelot: The Alien and Illuminati Connection – War Against Dark Forces 2014



Conspiracy fact and witnesses to the dark side of aliens, reptilians, illuminati and personal links to the pleiadians are all discussed with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot.

Also discussed : the silver star, illuminati, and many of the connections between the higher orders of influence and both light and darkness.

The vatican connections to illuminati, the connections of shared symbols between Illuminati and dark magicians like Aleister Crowley, and the more benevolent alien energies is examined in this interview clip from Buzzsaw, hosted by Sean Stone.










Alfred Webre: Nikola Tesla re-started Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901



April, 28, 2014

Nikola Tesla re-started Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901

IMAGE A – NY Times, Jan. 16, 1901 – 70 sec. light flash from Mars inspired Tesla to initiate communications with intelligent Martian civilization

6a00d8341c73dd53ef01a511aab5bb970c-500wi6a00d8341c73dd53ef01a511aaabc9970c-320wi IMAGE B – 1893 Kirk’s Soap Ad, capitalizing on popular interest in intelligent life on Mars and showing the openness of Life on Mars reality in American life prior to the paranoia following the 1952 US Capitol UFO flyover and the 1953 CIA’s Durant Report/Robertson Panel

Nikola Tesla restarted Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901

by Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, BC – There is substantial documentation of Nikola Tesla’s role as an early pioneer in re-establishing in 1901 public exopolitical communications between our Earthling human civilization and an intelligent civilization on Mars, most probably our human cousins known as homo martis terris. Public Earth-Mars exopolitical communications had most probably been severed since the solar system catastrophe of 9500 BC that greatly damaged Mars atmosphere and its surface ecology, and destroyed Earth’s great maritime civilization.

Nikola Tesla’s early work in re-establishing interactive communication with an intelligent Martian laid the foundation for the U.S. government’s secret DARPA time travel and teleportation program 1968-73 that employed Tesla-based technologies, and ironically perhaps for the secret CIA Mars “jump room” program that was initiated in the early 1980s that reportedly employed grey extraterrestrial technologies.

Jan. 1901 Shaft of Light from Mars

On January 16, 1901 the New York Times (See Image A) reported Harvard’s Lowell Observatory as recording a 70 second shart of light from Mars that seemed inteligently directed. Taking this as an intentional communication from the civilization on Mars, Nikola Tesla intensified his efforts at achieving interactive communication with the intelligence behind the signal.

NASA’s Mars page reports how “Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a brilliant Serbian-American inventor and scientist, is building a wireless system to communicate with Martians. (N. Tesla, “Talking with the planets”, Collier’s Weekly, Vol 24, 4-5, 1901).”

Tesla researcher Frank Germano writes, “A report by W. Pickering, professor of the Harvard Observatory, named “Alternating light from Mars”, was published in ‘New York Times’ on January 16, 1901 [Image A]. It may be shortened:

“‘Last year in the beginning of December we got a telegram from Lowell observatory at Arizona. This telegram informed that a strong light flux was noticed coming from Mars and lasted for 70 minutes. Lowell observatory specializes on observations of Mars, and observer was an attentive, approved and experienced man, so we have no doubt in his statements. We will consider these facts immediately and will notify Europe and America via telegraph. The light came from the known point on Mars and there is no unusual in this point according to scientific data. Whatever there was, now we have no means to research anything. We cannot say with certainty if it is a sign that there is an intellect. For the time present this phenomenon is inexplicable.’

“When this information appeared, Tesla was in New York. He just returned from Colorado Springs, where he, through the course of year, made epochal and inexplicable experiments with electromagnetic fields of resonant properties. (Tesla’s laboratory in Colorado was situated precisely on the summit of Pike’s Peak. It is interesting that this peak was deified by the Hopi Indians- they consider it the Spiritual Pole of the World).

“Encouraged by the information from Lowell observatory, Tesla stated in the New York Gazette that during his research in Colorado Springs, he communicated with Mars himself. At that time, he made hints about having already designed a device for interplanetary communication, which would be improved in the near future. He wrote: “I’ll never forget the first feeling that I felt when I understood that I have a contact with something, which will have priceless and immense results for all humankind. Thing that I noticed, frightened me as if I saw something mysterious and almost preternatural. Little by little I understood that I am the first who hear messages sending from one planet to another…”

“Respected Professor Holden didn’t consider Tesla’s contacts with extraterrestrial beings by means of electromagnetism, because he thought it was not a serious case. Tesla worked with some extremely long electromagnetic waves of very high frequency that do not correspond to accepted theory, because increasing of a wave’s frequency is always related with short-wave transmission. However, Tesla’s waves were different from those discovered by Hertz. They propagated with a speed, which far exceeded the speed of light, better to say that their propagation was instantaneous. Tesla had his own theory of electromagnetism, which is still not properly interpreted. He discovered not only the possibility of wireless transmission of energy through the Earth and atmosphere without any losses, but also proved an unprecedented “breakdown power” of these waves during their negotiation of space. There is an unconfirmed legend that Tesla was the first to send periodical signals to the stars.

“Supposedly, Tesla sent coded geometrical theorems like those of Tales, Pythagoras, and an Archimedean formula of the harmonic series (we speak about addition of the series 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+…. the Sum of this series is equal to two but, the number of terms can be infinite). Three days later, Tesla was surprised – he got a response. He guessed the principle, which lie in the basis of the response code, and got a human face with regular features. At first he couldn’t understand if this picture was made by those who sent this signal and wanted to show that they know of our civilization, or they drew their own image to demonstrate that there are similar beings in Cosmos. If it is true, then it should be clear that Tesla refused any open discussion of this discovery because he couldn’t get a response. But soon, something occurred that returned discussion of this happening in the American press.

“In 1902, Lord Kelvin, a famous English physicist, visited America. When he spoke to Tesla, he expressed a full consent and understanding of the fact that details of Tesla’s ‘extraterrestrial communication’ were not for public discussion. After a banquet (organized in his honor), Lord Kelvin said some good words about New York: ‘It is the city with the best illumination in the world and it is the only place on the Earth, which can be seen from Mars’. In addition, as if in some kind of inspiration he finally exclaimed ‘Mars is signaling New York’. This time, nobody had objections. Even persistent Professor Holden kept silent. It was not polite to contradict such an old and respected man as Lord Kelvin. Instead of objections, an article written by the writer and publicist Julian Hotorn, Tesla’s associate, appeared as a direct conclusion from this discussion. He described Tesla’s sensational methods as a fantasy. Hotorn wrote:

“‘It is evident that people from Mars and other old planets had been visiting Earth for years and attentively observe the development of our civilization. Besides, Tesla’s birth changed all. Maybe, it is possible that people from the stars control his spiritual and scientific development, isn’t it? Is there anybody who can know something concrete?’ In the heat of the disputes concerning Martians, Tesla was alone in his Wardenclyffe Tower and continued to work hard and insensibly on the biggest project of his life; Wardenclyffe Tower was to make radical changes in the development of our civilization. These changes cannot easily be considered true.”

Communicating with Mars: The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec

In “Communicating with Mars: The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec,” in the Journal of Borderland Research, Robert A. Nelson writes,

While Nikola Tesla was conducting experiments with his Magnifying Transmitter at Colorado Springs in 1899, he detected coherent signals which he determined had originated on Mars. Tesla was widely criticized for his astounding claims, yet no one could seriously dispute him; he was a solo pioneer without peer. No one since then has reported constructing a Magnifying Transmitter or otherwise replicated his experiments; the issue remains unresolved and the mystery unsolved. Tesla revealed no technical details in his pronouncements and publications of that period (other than the pertinent patents). His Colorado Notebooks were published in the 1980s, but they make no mention of his alleged contact with Mars.

Tesla elaborated on the subject of “Talking With the Planets” in Collier’s Weekly (March 1901):

“As I was improving my machines for the production of intense electrical actions, I was also perfecting the means for observing feeble efforts. One of the most interesting results, and also one of great practical importance, was the development of certain contrivances for indicating at a distance of many hundred miles an approaching storm, its direction, speed and distance traveled….

“It was in carrying on this work that for the first time I discovered those mysterious effects which have elicited such unusual interest. I had perfected the apparatus referred to so far that from my laboratory in the Colorado mountains I could feel the pulse of the globe, as it were, noting every electrical change that occurred within a radius of eleven hundred miles.

“I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when it dawned upon me that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind. I felt as though I were present at the birth of a new knowledge or the revelation of a great truth…. My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signals did not yet present itself to me. The changes I noted were taking place periodically and with such a clear suggestion of number and order that they were not traceable to any cause known to me. I was familiar, of course, with such electrical disturbances as are produced by the sun, Aurora Borealis, and earth currents, and I was as sure as I could be of any fact that these variations were due to none of these causes. The nature of my experiments precluded the possibility of the changes being produced by atmospheric disturbances, as has been rashly asserted by some. It was sometime afterward when the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed might be due to an intelligent control. Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental. The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another. A purpose was behind these electrical signals….”

Decades later on his birthday in 1937, he announced: “I have devoted much of my time during the year past to the perfecting of a new small and compact apparatus by which energy in considerable amounts can now be flashed through interstellar space to any distance without the slightest dispersion.” (New York Times, Sunday, 11 July 1937.)

Tesla never publicly revealed any technical details of his improved transmitter, but in his 1937 announcement, he revealed a new formula showing that “The kinetic and potential energy of a body is the result of motion and determined by the product of its mass and the square of its velocity. Let the mass be reduced, the energy is reduced by the same proportion. If it be reduced to zero, the energy is likewise zero for any finite velocity.” (New York Sun, 12 July 1937, p. 6.)

About 40 years later, Arthur Mathews claimed that Tesla had secretly developed the “Teslascope” for the purpose of communicating with Mars. The late Dr. Andrija Puharich met with Matthews, and discussed him in an interview (Pyramid Guide, May-June & July-Aug. 1978):

“[Arthur Matthews] came from England. Matthews’ father was a laboratory assistant to the noted physicist Lord Kelvin back in the 1890s. Tesla came over to England to meet Kelvin… to convince him that Alternating Current was more efficient than Direct Current. Kelvin at that time opposed the AC movement…. In 1902, the Matthews family left England and immigrated to Canada…. When Matthews was 16 his father arranged for him to apprentice under Tesla…. He eventually worked for him and continued this alliance until Tesla’s death in 1943….

“It’s not generally known, but Tesla actually had two huge magnifying transmitters built in Canada, and Matthews operated one of them…. People mostly know about the Colorado Springs transmitters and the unfinished one on Long Island. I saw the two Canadian transmitters. All the evidence is there….

“[The Teslascope is] the thing Tesla invented to communicate with Beings on other planets. There’s a diagram of the Teslascope in Matthew’s book [The Wall of Light]. In principle, it takes in cosmic ray signals…. Eventually the signals are stepped down to audio…. Speak into one end, and the signal goes out the other end as a cosmic ray emitter….”

Matthews’ diagrams of the Teslascope make minimal electronic sense. No one has ever confirmed the reality of the Teslascope.

Several years after Tesla announced his reception of signals from Mars, Guglielmo Marconi also claimed to have heard from an alien radio transmitter. However, Marconi was more easily dismissed by his contemporaries, who claimed that Marconi had received interference from another radio station on Earth.

In the 1970s, L.G. Lawrence (field manager of the Ecola Institute) described his “Communication by Accident” with ET intelligences:

“On October 29, 1971… while conducting exploratory RBS [Remote Biological Sensing] experiments in Riverside County, CA, our field instrumentation’s organic transducer complex intercepted a train of apparently intelligent communication signals (tight spacing and discrete pulse intervals) while accidentally allowed to remain pointed at the constellation Ursa Major during a short rest period. The phenomenon prevailed for somewhat over 33 minutes….

“A somewhat similar phenomenon was observed on April 10, 1972…. The apparent signals, aside from seemingly growing weaker, appear to be transmitted at great intervals ranging from weeks to months, possibly years. A faint, coherent , binary-type phenomenon was noted during aural monitoring…. Intervals between rapid series of pulse trains ranged from… 3 to 10 minutes….

“Because our equipment is impervious to electromagnetic radiation and found free of internal anomalies, the tentative conclusion of biological-type interstellar communications signals has emerged….

“As a mere audio presentation, the instrumentation tape is unpleasant to listen to. However, a fascinating degree of enchantment tends to emerge after the tape has been played back three or more times, typically over a period of weeks. We ascribe this to psycho-acoustical adaptation…. The tape contains a short, incremental series of deep, harmonious oscillations resembling nonsense chatter or background modulations. An intelligent character of the overall pulse is applied by discrete spacing patterns, apparent repetitions of sequences, and highly attenuated Gaussian noise…” (Borderlands, 1st Qtr., 1996, pp. 27-29).

Gregory Hodowanec

In the 1980s, electrical engineer Greg Hodowanec developed his theory of Rhysmonic Cosmology. He also experimented with a Gravity Wave Detector (GWD) of his own design. The simple devices detect “coherent modulations” in the microwave radiation.

Hodowanec published his first report of “SETI with Gravitational Signals” using his GWDs (Radio Astronomy, April 1986):

“The advantage of a possible gravitational technique for SETI over the radio technique is primarily one of time of ‘propagation’ for these signals. The radio waves travel at the speed of light, but the gravitational signals (per the writer’s theories) are essentially instantaneous signals. Another advantage of the gravitational technique is the simplicity of the instrumentation required. As SARA members know, radio astronomy can be quite complicated. The gravitational wave detectors… must rely largely on the Earth’s mass as a ‘shadow’ to enable the detection of gravitational radiation. Therefore, ‘objects’ or signals located in the observers’ zenith are best detected. Yet, the other areas are still ‘detectable’ especially with the aid of other ‘shadows’ such as the sun, moon, planets, etc.

“Of particular interest to SETI observers may be the strange audio type gravitational signals which appear to come from the Auriga and Perseus region of our Galaxy. These ‘signals’ have been ‘heard’ by the writer for several years now, and generally range between about 4 and 5 hours right ascension, with a peak intensity near 4.5 hours R.A. The signals appear to be several ‘tones’….”

Soon afterward, Hodowanec made the first mention of a definite contact with an apparently extraterrestrial communicator in a letter (7-23-88) to an editor at Radio-Electronics magazine:

“On the morning of this date, at 7:30 to 7:38 AM (EST), I recorded the following apparently Morse-Code like pulses:

“A A A A R A R T T N N N N K C N N N E E E E E N E N N T T T N E E E E E A E E R K E N N E T E E A A A A E E E N T T K N T N T S E S E S E S E M N A S E S E S E S E S E S E S E S E S E —

“As you can see, these do not appear to be just random pulses, but the SE signals, which are most prevalent, appear to be possibly an identification signal. These signals are detected in shielded l/f detectors and thus are scalar (gravitational) in nature. The signals above (if they were extraterrestrial) came from either the Auriga-Perseus region near my zenith or the Bootes region under my Earth position. I still cannot rule out that they may just be due to Earth core movements of some sort which are remarkably like Morse code signals, or even the possibility that they are man-made.”

By July 1988, Hodowanec had confirmed Tesla’s claims, as he announced in “Some Remarks on Tesla’s Mars Signals”:

“…Such signals are being received today with simple modern-day scalar-type signal detectors… coherent modulations are being ‘heard’ in [the microwave] background radiation. The most prominent modulations being three pulses (code S) slightly separated in time, a la Tesla! On occasions, the code equivalents of an E, N, A, or K, are also heard, but the most persistent response is SE, SE, etc.

“Any l/f type noise detector will respond to this background modulation. However, the experimenter must be careful that he is not creating these responses at the ‘local’ level by his own or other local actions. For example, the detectors will also respond to heart beats, breathing actions, local movements, as well as possible psychic effects. The detectors are easy to make and the experimenter should easily reproduce these results.”

Hodowanec released more details in a Cosmology Data Note (10-13-88):

“Since about early August 1988, it was noticed that apparently ‘intelligent signals’ existed in these modulations [of the microwave background radiation]. It can be said that the intelligence was in the form of digital-type communication, e.g., dots and dashes, or ones and zeros. This type of communication may have been chosen by this ‘unknown communicator’ as it was conducive to the ‘mass movement’ form of longitudinal gravity signaling, as well as an easily recognizable universal system. This same method was proposed by the writer for a gravity system communication method.

“These ‘signals’ were noticed to be similar to the simpler International Morse Code symbols, primarily because they are the simplest way to present information in the pulse form. Thus, the ‘letters’ found in these transmissions are typically: E, I, T, M, A, N, R, K, S and O, as well as… the comma and the wait signal. However, numbers are seen here as the simple series of pulses, e.g., 1 is one pulse, 2 is two pulses, 3 is three pulses, and so on.

“On August 26, 1988, after the writer had sent the message ‘Greg Radio’ during a local gravity signal transmission test, it was noticed that the letters G and D were apparently added to some of the received messages noted thereafter!

“The writer’s first hard evidence that the above test message may have been intercepted by this unknown communicator was seen that on August 28, 1988… a strong and repeated message of the Greg Radio was received with the message finally terminated with the series SE (or 31)!

“Further evidence that these may be actually communication attempts is seen in that on October 11, 1988… a very different approach was seen: A series of Greg Radio’s was sent at about the normal code speed of about 5 words per minute, followed by KKTT, and then the series was repeated at a slower speed and also followed by KKTT…

“Another confirmation that these may be ‘messages’ appeared on October 12, 1988… Here, a series of A’s and R’s (with Greg Radio occasionally inserted) was then followed by Greg Radio sent as a series of five repetitions of each letter, e.g., Greg was sent as GGGGGRRRRREEEEEGGGGG !!!

“Sufficient ‘messages have now been received to indicate that perhaps a serious attempt to indicate that perhaps a serious attempt to contact this writer was being made by some ‘unknown communicator’. While this communicator may yet be some terrestrial experimenter, the possibility still exists that the communicator may be ‘extraterrestrial’ for the following reasons:

“a. The messages are in simple code (e.g., dits and dahs) type of pulses which would be expected to be used if one intelligent civilization were to try to contact another civilization in terms of pulses. That some of the simplest pulse signals are similar to simple Morse Code signals is more than coincidence — they are both based upon the same premises!

“b. Numbers are not in the complicated Morse Code symbols, but are in simple sequence, using short pulses or dits.

“c. The ‘communicator’ has recognized the coherent nature of Greg Radio and is possibly using that sequence of codes in various fashions to indicate that a ‘contact’ has been made.

“d. The communicator thus far has not responded to ‘word’ messages or the amateur Q-code signals. Thus it is believed that while some apparently Morse Code signals are being used, the communicator is not really familiar with such usage, other than recognizing the coherent nature of the signals.

“e. Since these messages at present appear largely near the noon hour, they may be coming from a definite source in space. At present, it is believed to be from the general direction of the constellation, Andromeda, but not necessarily the Galaxy there…

“There is also some possibility that this communicator may be ‘extraterrestrial’, perhaps yet in our Solar System (Mars?), but no further than our own Galaxy or Local Group of Galaxies… [T]his same communicator may have been trying to reach here ever since the turn of the century when Nikola Tesla reported the interception of scalar S signals!!”

Soon after, Hodowanec wrote this brief, untitled report (2-23-89):

“Without going into the details of how this was determined: ET may be on Mars!

“This, in spite of NASA’s denial of any life forms on Mars [which situation changed in 1996]. This possibility has been recently suspected by the writer due to the apparently very close tracking of my position on Earth by ET. ET, of course, always knew that I was on Earth (as seen by his tracking), but now he has most emphatically confirmed that he is on the 4th planet from the sun, i.e., Mars!!!!!

“While this release is probably a bit premature, I am so positive of these gravity signal ‘exchanges’ that I will stick my neck out in this instance. ET on Mars is apparently much more advanced than we are here on Earth, and he may have even previously visited here on Earth, and possibly colonized here (but who are his possible descendants??).

“It is still a mystery on where ET may be living on Mars (possibly underground near the polar regions??), and why ET doesn’t use EM wave signaling methods?? Perhaps, it is because Mars is so hostile now that ET must have developed a very sophisticated underground civilization which is not conducive to EM radiation systems?

“This material is being released now confidentially to but a very few active colleagues until further confirmations on this assertion are obtained….”

In his Mars Flash #1 (3-28-89) and #2 (3-30-89), Hodowanec notified colleagues that, “As the result of the continued gravity signal communications between GH Labs and the Martians, the following extraordinary facts have come to light:

“The exchanges are now being made in terms of short ‘English’ code words for certain items. For example, the Martians now understand that FACE means the human face, MAN means the human person, Earth now means our planet, and Mars means their planet! They had originally tried some of their terminology with me, but gave up except where it made sense to me. For example, I now know that TTT at the end of their names means person and OOTTAEERR is their name for the 10th planet!”

In a handwritten footnote to the above, Hodowanec informed this writer that the Martian’s name is “AAAAAATTT”: “He appears to ‘understand’ my messages, even though I may have to repeat them in several ways so that he can ‘see’ the meaning….

“Communications between GH Labs and a Martian intelligence now continue with increasing progress since we have been able to establish over 50 simple expressions (most in simple English) for many of the common ‘ideas’ that we have. Martian AAAAAATTT is extremely adept in relating my English terminology to these common Earth-Mars observations….

“Mars has also confirmed that they are also ‘men’ with one ‘head’ that have two ‘eyes’ that ‘see’. Also, they have one ‘body’ with two arms that have hands with five fingers each. Also they have two legs with two feet that have five toes each. I haven’t been able to have them confirm the nose and mouth in the face, but that could be confirmed shortly, since those features appear in the FACE.

“Probably the most significant fact which was determined on this date seems to be that Mars is most emphatic that Earth men are like Mars men! This appears more and more that Mars has colonized Earth in the remote past! This could be true since we on Earth have never really found the ‘missing link’ between Earth humanoids and humans!

In a letter (3-17-89) to this writer, Hodowanec mentioned that “Generally, our contacts are limited to 20-30 minutes… since there appear to be other ETs out there interested in joining in also, and so there is some interference after a while. Some of these other ETs use other methods of communications such as tones and what appear to be guttural voices!

“ET is probably more advanced then we are on Earth. We no longer exchange simple arithmetic, and when I sent him Pi to five decimal places, he sent Pi back to seven decimal places immediately! We had discussed our nine planet solar system, but ET came back with ten planets, calling the 10th planet OOTTAEERR! When questioned on this, ET kept on confirming the existence of a tenth planet! He now knows the other nine planets by their Earth names! He also confirmed that Mars has two moons, the Earth one, and that Jupiter has nine major moons.

“These contacts are getting to be more interesting all the time, and ET appears to be most anxious to continue them. However, I just cannot spend too much time with him… I got across to him that I am just one person here communicating with him, and that the rest of Earth presently does not recognize the existence of any life on Mars….

“I have now had over 100 contacts with ET and can reach him at any time of day or night…. We have also established some simple codes for acknowledgments and go ahead and respond. While we use these simple codes in many contexts, both ET and I now understand in which context they are being used!”

In another letter (3-22-89) to colleagues, Hodowanec affirmed that his contacts with Martian intelligents “has been verified in a number of ways… The Martians are apparently the advanced civilization, for they are the ones generating the ‘modulated oscillated beam’ which is now tracking my location on earth and is thus the means of our communications. [The beam is “only about 15 miles in diameter here on Earth, but 1012 inches on Mars.”] There is an apparent ‘team’ on Mars which is involved in these contacts. The original contact, ET#1, with whom I have established the initial relationship, is apparently the most highly knowledgeable and advanced. The others who sometimes ‘man’ the Mars station appear to be less knowledgeable and some only request or acknowledge a transmission….

Mars is most desperate to continue these contacts…. [The] exchanges are made in many varied ways which cannot be readily predicted in order to convey the fact that these are real contacts! Also, one can recognize the ‘fist’ of the one ‘keying’ these codes, e.g., ET#1 always sends clean letters or numbers, and identified himself and me in some fashion. The other ETs on Mars usually don’t. Therefore, no automation is being used here!

“While these contacts were originally due to a serendipitous circumstances, it is really the result if my gravitational communication experiments and thus a direct result from Rhysmonic Cosmology. And yet, however fantastic and unreal this may seem, it is real, and if also it is confirmed by one of you, it will be a major milestone in the history of mankind! Perhaps, if one of you finally ‘hears’ the modulations of l/f noise background, you may try to establish your own contacts?”

However, Gregory Hodowanec also had extreme reservations about the gravity of the situation, which he expressed it in a letter (4-14-89) to this writer:

“…my ‘contacts’ with Mars continue with much information being exchanged. However, due to the increasingly astounding nature of these exchanges, I am now limiting further releases to only two long-time observers (witnesses) of my research efforts. This is being done so as not to jeopardize these contacts with unwanted notoriety or publicity in the media. There are now nine “Mars Flashes” for the record. Perhaps, in the future, I may release some of these….

“…gravity signal communications are instantaneous, require extremely small energy expenditure, [unlike Tesla’s experiments] and is so simple as to be just unbelievable by the average person. However, this is as far as I want to go with release of details at this time….

“I would appreciate that you keep this info somewhat confidential now. The Earth may not be ready for what I will have to say eventually. Nothing dire, just fantastic and thus perhaps unbelievable!”

A variety of GWD circuits exist today (Figure 2). Complete details of Gregory Hodowanec’s theory Rhysmonic Cosmology, etc., are available from Rex Research.

For more information, please consult:

Articles on Tesla-based ( and other) time travel & teleportation

Resources on Secret Mars Program and Life on Mars


  1. Colorado Springs Gazette (9 Jan. 1901), p. 7, col. 6,7,8; ibid. (9 March 1901), p. 4, c. 2.
  2. Electrical World (4 April 1896), p. 369: “Is Tesla to Signal to the Stars?”
  3. Mountain Sunshine (Denver, CO) 1(1): 31-34 (1899).
  4. English Mechanic & World of Science, #2228 (5 Dec. 1907)
  5. New York Evening Post (22 Jan.1919), p. 14, c. 4, 5.
  6. New York Sun (Thurs., 3 Jan. 1901); ibid., (12 July 1937), p. 6.
  7. New York Times (23 May 1909), p. 10, c. 6, 7.; ibid. (3 Feb., 1919); p. 14, c.3: “Celestial Movies”; ibid., (3 Sept. 1921), p. 4, c. 4.; ibid., (11 July 1937), p. 13, c. 2.
  8. New York Tribune (12 Jan .901), p. 2, c. 3.
  9. Pyramid Guide 4 (3):1 (Jan.-Feb. 1976); ibid., 5(2):5 (Nov.-Dec. 1976); “Letter From Tesla” (6 Jan. 1900).
  10. Tesla, N., Collier’s Weekly (March 1901), p. 359-361; “Talking With the Planets”
  11. Tesla, N., Current Opinion (March 1919), p. 170-171; “That Prospective Communication with Another Planet”
  12. Tesla, N., “Electrical Communication with the Planets” in Thompson, S.P.: Polyphase Electric Currents & AC Motors; 1902, Collier & Son, NY; p. 234-236;
  13. Tesla, N., Harvard Illustrated Mag. (March, 1907), p. 119-121; “Signaling to Mars” Tesla, N.: New York Herald (12 Oct. 1919), p. 7; “Signals to Mars…”
  14. Time (20 July 1931), p. 27.
  15. Lawrence, L.G.: “Interstellar Communications Signals”; Borderlands 52(1):27-29 (1996)
  16. Hodowanec, Gregory: Rhysmonic Cosmology (H18-HG3/$6); ibid., Rhysmonic Cosmology Notes (H17-HG2/$4); ibid., Rhysmonic Cosmology Collected Papers (H19-HG4/$8); ibid., Rhysmonics Articles (H21-HG6/$4); ibid., G-Wave Detectors (H16-GH/$7); ibid., GWD Circuits (H20-HG5/$7); ibid., Rhysmonics Updates (H22-HG7/$4). Published by: Rex Research, P.O. Box 19250, Jean NV 89019; Catalog: $2.

Nikola Tesla re-started Earth’s Exopolitical communications with an intelligent civilization on Mars in 1901

by Alfred Lambremont Webre



NASA and Every Space Agency On Earth Using the Vector 7 Sigil





Cosmic War and Death Stars



A Comparison of Iapetus with the Star Wars’ Death Star

Iapetus is the third-largest natural satellite of Saturn,

eleventh-largest in the Solar System



Iapetus has a number of shocking features, unique throughout the entire solar system.



Joseph P. Farrell. interview with Henrick Palmgren


It would seem ancient cultures were far more advanced technologically, as we go father back in time. And seemed to diminish over the aeons.

As Jospeh points out. Add ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman belief systems of Starmen coming down to earth in flying disk/ shields to teach men how to build societies, make war and control the masses…and it makes you wonder.

We crammed millennia into one century, but we haven’t stopped killing each other

That’s not progress.

Who is meddling with Humans ? Hmm ?










Jupiter Freaks Out



UFO Planet Sightings







Original cartouche, found in the ancient temple of Abydos, Egypt

– had been covered with plaster that fell off


Our origins lie in the stars


Information that was removed from Books & Hieroglyphics concerning what happened in Babylon , “Religion”, and altered terms.
All of which ties together with what NASA has hidden in their archives.
Some of the Footage from NASA, hidden in their archives. Images of planets being destroyed by a War in Space.

The last, on March 19th, was Jupiter.This footage concerns the imminent destruction of the NWO & mankinds freedom.




Images from Soho showing the Destruction of the 

Escape Route of the Enemy of Mankind


The Destruction of the Papal Key



This is the unedited tape of the ‘Star Wars’ in space





Danny Wilten – The Mirror Between Heaven And Earth




Remember, according to “physics,” it should take at least 1300 years for light to reach us from the Orion Nebula. So, if we are indeed looking into the “past” when we look at the Orion Nebula, isn’t it interesting that the nebula knew those formations would be there in the future 1300 years ago? Something to think about…





Secret Space War XVI: The Draco’s Secret War Against American Goyim

Related Posts:

by Preston JamesSource: Veterans Today

Bait and switch: World Zionists (WZs) labeling Khazarian Imposters “Descendents of Abraham”.

World Zionists have labeled Khazarian Imposters as the real “Descendents of Abraham” in order to form a tyrannical Racial Delusion and Criminal Conspiracy against those they wrongly believe are “American Goyim”.

And also against all those who are the actual descendents of Abraham including Arabs and Palestinians who actually are the real descendents of Abraham.

World Zionists have worked hard to create a sinister Racial Delusion in Khazarian Judaic Converts to foster the attack, asset stripping, tyrannizing, capture, and eventual mass eradication of the real ancient Abrahamic bloodlines which actually have scattered, disseminated and diffused over most of Planet Earth.

Note: This has been a difficult article to write and unless folks are up to speed on the information contained in earlier articles on Secret Space War, they will likely find it incomprehensible, incredulous and a complete waste of time. It’s no use arguing against a shadow. Unless you have a working knowledge of Secret Space War issues, please stop reading this article and do not waste your valuable time.*

This is a long article and those with limited time may want to read only the bold print headers.

Unbeknownst to most, there has been a Secret War being waged against “American Goyim” by a grotesquely evil, Cosmic Alien Force centuries old and known only to top insiders as the Dracos or the “Great Serpents of Old” or the “Fallen Ones”.

These Dracos are reported by some to be Shape-Shifting Inter-dimensional “Fallen Angels” or “Cosmic Parasites” which are negative-energy vampires, exceedingly evil beyond what most can imagine and duplicitous beyond normal human reason.

They are experts at convincing the public that black is white, and white is black, good is evil, and evil is good. And the worst part is that they have apparently gained control of the most of the earth riches by hijacking most of the Monetary Production and Distribution Systems under the power of the Draco ancient Babylonian Money-Magick or applied Black-Magic Arts.

Their specialty is manufacturing and distributing mass Mind-kontrol culture by Hollywood and Television which conditions humans to enjoy behaving in self-destructive ways that also destroy their families, sex roles, religion and nations. They are believed to be parasites that feed off of the negative energy of great pain and long term suffering of humans.

These Dracos are reputed to be able to induce this massive human suffering and fast-kill and slow-kill death in many different varieties.

They do this by the use of ultra-high tech Mass Mind-kontrol, Psi-power, administration of Black-Magick spells, induced manufactured long term illness through aerosol spraying, pollution, contaminated or poisonous vaccines, fluoride in the water, aspartame and other bio-chemical and chemical means designed to slow-kill humans by the masses.

The short term goal of the Dracos has always been to create as much human suffering and painful mass death as possible.

These methods are also used to create the massive suffering and early death which provide the negative energy these Cosmic Vampires the Dracos need to thrive. The more negative energy they get from suffering and dying humans and animals, the more energy and power they receive to further their anti-human agenda of suffering, death and total destruction of all who they identify as “Goyim” and eventually all humans even their own Cutouts and kingpins. More on whom and how they have selected and targeted Goyim as targets later on, which itself is a very big deception and lie. Also later on will be covered the subject of how and when these Dracos descended to Planet Earth and how long they have been here wreaking havoc on Mankind.
One of the Dracos main long term agendas is to allegedly depopulate the earth and replace humans with a very small number of their Draco-human hybrids and custom designed, engineered and cloned biological androids and trans-humans which are biological machines.

These “creatures of the night” are alleged to receive optimal feeding by the generation of the highest levels of painful death possible, with the best means that artificially induced by war, mass-murder, or murder with those dying violent and exceedingly painful deaths.

Yes, there appears to have been an Evil Alien Agenda being unleashed on Planet Earth by a Cosmic Parasite known to top insiders as the Dracos for at least the last 4,000 years, and this alien entity feeds off of human suffering and painful human death.

If you doubt the high level control now exercised by these alien Cosmic parasites, just take a look upward and anyone can easily see the aircraft often spraying chem-trails in a criss-crossing pattern over America. Who has the power to induce the SSG to deploy such a major operation which impacts the whole earth? When you figure this out what these chem-trails are comprised of and how harmful it is to humans, and what criminal cabal is doing this under whose power and instructions, then you are at least half way there.

The Evil Empire of the Soviet Union as well as the criminal Central Bankster System run out of the City of London have all been part of this Evil, anti-human Agenda of the Dracos, the inter-dimensional fallen angel parasites that are alleged to have hijacked the Twelve Ruling-class “Bloodlines”.

The Draco’s chief creation and current claim to fame is World Zionism, the plague of Mankind and known to top insiders as the “Synagogue of Satan”.

World Zionism has been their chief creation and their main vehicle to generate a Racial Delusion among their selected Cutouts (Puppet world leaders and top Policy-Makers) as well as many Judaics which further their cause of destroying humankind and replacing it with Draco-human hybrids and trans-human type “hived” cloned androids. World Zionism has been alleged to have become secretly obsessed will mass murdering all Goyim.

The Dracos have allegedly hijacked most of Planet earth through their central banking debt-based pernicious usury system of Babylonian Money-Magick and used this network to further their anti-human Alien Agenda.

But the Draco’s evil anti-human agenda is specifically targeted to those they secretly identify as “Goyim” which they believe carry true ancient Hebrew blood coming from Abraham and they target as their ancient enemies. This involves most Palestinians and most Arabs as well as most Europeans and Americans. As strange and counter-intuitive as this seems there may be ample background to support this assertion.

Why, you might ask? Because there is substantial evidence that the various ancient Hebrew Tribes scattered during the Diaspora migrated to Europe and America where they greatly intermixed. This has been previously written about as the missing tribes but has been largely ignored or considered to be bunk. This is a mistake to ignore these because such an assertion is accurate. It is true that some with ancient Hebrew Blood remained in Palestine or migrated to other Arab nations or to Spain.

The Ancient Hebrew tribes were spread out during the Diaspora after the destruction of their Temple.

But for the most part these different Abrahamic or ancient Hebrew Tribes spread out and migrated all over Europe and the Western World. So the true Semites are Palestinians (recent peer-reviewed John Hopkins genetic research done by an esteemed shows that approximately 80% of Palestinians have ancient Hebrew Haploids and are thus true Semites, while approximately 90% of Israelis who claim to be Semites have essentially no ancient Hebrew Haploids).

And to further complicate this double-minded duplicitous deception, enter the Khazarians. These are the converts to Judaism from Khazaria or Eastern Russia which have been induced by the Dracos to believe they are of ancient Hebrew Blood and have migrated all over the world and to Palestine in parallel mimicking the migration of the true tribes of the ancient Hebrews of Abraham. Numerous historians now consider these Khazarian converts to be the fake Judaics or the Judaic impersonators of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

One of the greatest tricks in History is the Dracos use of selecting and designating “imitation secents of ancient Hebrew Abrahamic bloodlines which have actually been the fake Khazarian Judaic converts (of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9).

This parallel duplicitous migration and scattering of the true Tribes of the ancient Hebrew Abrahamic bloodlines has perhaps been used a part of the greatest racial deception in history. It has been imposed on the Khazarians who have been hijacked by these Dracos which is their specialty.
By hijacking a certain key and select group of top Khazarians who are believed by numerous insiders to be remnants of the “Synagogue of Satan”, the men were projected to be Illuminati or Top Policy-Makers of the European Old Black Nobility that formed an alliance with lucifer through interconnected occult or Black-Magic circles. Once these top policy-Makers of the Old Black Nobility were anointed with the Draco’s pure luciferian power, they were able to use their Psi-power and Black Arts to hijack the British Banking System and use this as a springboard to take over most of the world through their fiat based pretend money system based on Babylonian Black-Magick.

One key aspect of these habitual hijackers of everything that determines human policy is their commitment and practice to use the Kings and Queens and the various world Royalty bloodline families of the world to serve as nexus/”points of control”. The Draco leaders know that it is essential that they keep the world organized into hierarchies run by the top policy-Maker leaders of the world which must be Illuminati or Royal Bloodlines linked to Draco heritage.

Dracos are reputed to be very hierarchical, bureaucratic and rigid, operating by age old formulas used to hijack, take down, manipulate and destroy peoples, cultures and nations.
That is their age-old game and it is a game of death, of Cosmic Parasites and ultimate Evil that knows no bounds. They also masters at creating racial delusions which are used to cut and divide and provide all kinds of evil motivations to manipulate and promote mass was, totalitarianisms, Bolshevism and neo-Bolshevism, Fascism in many different varieties, and abusive off-shore run Oligarchies disguised as out of control Capitalistic Bureaucracies.

Allegedly the Dracos created a master racial delusion by World Zionists (WZs) which is now in place in America and which involves the creation and deployment of the obviously Neo-Bolshevik Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS was set up by Israeli-American (Israeli Firster) dual citizens with an evil Draco Agenda to tyrannize, and eventually haul off most innocent “American Goyim” to FEMA and US Military prison camps, where they will eventually be mass-murdered. This is the secret agenda of DHS who was set up and is now secretly run by World Zionists representing the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) the largest crime syndicate in the world, run out of Israel (Palestine) and is the main Cutout and Action-agent of the City of London Zionist Central Banksters.


Is a racial delusion and a deep demonic fantasy driving a secret Top Policy of the SSG which is and obsession to militarize the American police, construct numerous FEMA and Military Internment Camps across America, and build up the DHS, which is actually a Zionist outpost and foreign run army inside America?

Allegedly these top “Circle of twelve’s” deepest demonic fantasy is to load what they define as Goyim into trucks and take them to FEMA camps and do exactly what they believe was done to “their people” in Germany by Goyim? Of course many now realize this was the City of London World Zionist (WZ) Central Banksters set up the Bolshevik Revolution in the first place, followed by the Nazi regime (Hitler was a British Agent)and then set up the whole Internment Camp situation and created the Holocaust (translated from old English as a “Fiery Sacrifice”).
It is now known the Internment (work camps) in Germany had plenty of non-Judaics interred there two part of a devious WZ plan to create a racial holocaust to be used to manipulate money and power from surviving Judaics and a tool to radicalize them to serve as their action-agents against “Goyim” everywhere?

Obviously an important part of the Draco’s evil Cosmic Agenda to take control of the whole Earth using Khazarian Cutouts was to infect them with this racial delusion fostered by the pre-planned WZ deployment of Interment camps and the inculcation of the Big Lie and delusion that they are the true ancient Hebrews that the “Goyim” (who are actually the true descendents of Abraham) tried to eradicate them.

Has the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) been hijacked by the Dracos and is it now serving their evil, anti-human Agenda?

This group of twelve Top Policy-Makers appear to be ruled by a Draco induced/demonic racial delusion that if they don’t murder all Goyim, they will eventually be murdered by Goyim as an extension of the anti-Semitism now once again emerging worldwide. Actually this so-called anti-Semitism is anti-khazarianism and has also been artificially stimulated and evoked by the Dracos and their WZ representatives. It is this Top WZ Policy that has been determining all other political policies of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG), which is the invisible but real government. And the SSG using this Grand Policy to determine all subordinate policies of the visible USG (which is the Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive) has enabled AIPAC and 70,000+ K Street Lobbyist to keep members of Congress and so many USG officials adequate supported, re-elected and greased with large amounts of Bacsheesh.

Perhaps this group of twelve Top Policy-Makers (the Denver Circle of Twelve or Denver “Blood-thirsty ones) has apparently adopted this racial delusion and blood lust to kill every Goyim after asset stripping them and it is their main or Top Policy and functions as a secret policy. And perhaps they have determined the top USG policy to fulfill this most evil Draco Agenda to kill all true descendents of Abraham which is darned near all Western people as well as all Arabs. And perhaps this secret policy is now becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy which once again will bring their own persecution and worst fears into reality as the public starts to figure this all out thanks to the lightning speed that truth travels on the worldwide Internet.

Where did the Evil, anti-human Cosmic Parasites the Dracos come from and what is their mission?

The best guess is that they were the “Fallen Ones” or the Angels that Almighty God kicked out of his Kingdom for their rebellion against him. These allegedly Dracos descended to earth and mated with earth women and against God Almighty’s rules and as punishment were stripped of their immortal spirit being status and limited in their years of life, destined to be destroyed by God at a delayed but future judgement. Some historians believe that the Dracos were comprised of both male and female with the ancient Greek and Roman fables based on their presence on Earth. It is known that there have been numerous very large clearly inhuman skeletons with six fingers and toes recovered all over the world by immediately suppressed over the last 200 years.

Dracos, the ultimately Evil Cosmic Parasite.

Apparently the Dracos anti-human agenda is based on their cold-hearted, soulless evil nature from being cutoff from God Almighty the source of all real love for each other. Allegedly their need to serve as negative energy parasites of the human race goes back to their loss of life as slow deterioration of their inter-generational genetics which has been completely corrupted by their disobedience to God’s Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. It is believed that the Dracos are an exceedingly blood-thirsty bunch and are the source of so much human violence and shedding of blood.
Some have even theorized that they have even been able to infect the genes somewhat of many humans or that they have been able induce violence through their ultra high tech deployment of mass mind-kontrol and psychotronics through satellite based transmitters as well as perhaps via certain pulsed digital waves patterns transmitted in parallel by cell phone towers as well as their exceedingly evil use of Psi-power.

Allegedly they can replace this massive loss of energy into themselves by parasitizing humans through creating and accessing negative human suffering, snatching the souls of humans by provoking them or tempting them to sin via drugs, hardcore pornography, and actually implanting Draco spirits into soulless humans that voluntarily cross a certain line of evil by inducing demonic possession. Of course those “Bloodline Family” individuals that have no souls who show great promise are approached by Draco spirit guides which offer special Blood Contracts (often these folks are under the heavy influence of drugs).
If they make the contract then they are assigned their own Draco “spirit guide” which appears to them in a variety of forms but once doing so stay in that form which they first appeared in. these so-called personal spirit guides are alleged to provide advanced warning of forthcoming problems, and apparent can serve as Intel advisers and psi-power servants as long as their contractee continues to do as much covert evil as possible and engage in periodic human sacrifice and sexual magic according to the satanic holidays.

This spirit form appears periodically but more often after their “Blood Contractees” perform human sacrifice rituals. It has been alleged by insiders at the periphery of all this that the more human suffering and painful human death these “Blood Contractees” produce to feed their masters the Draco spirit guides, the more power, wealth and prestige they are given.

The Dracos are believed by some to be the sources of the WZs world power system and are also believed to have mated with earth women and produced Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones as well as the Illuminati or lucifarian Bloodlines.

Some who have knowledge of highly classified Beyond-Black SSG files have claimed to close friends at the end of their lives that Dracos were actually Anakem or Canaanites and that the ancient Hebrews were instructed by God Almighty to destroy all of them to the last one because they were soulless, were giants, were Draco alien-human hybrids and had grossly contaminated genetics which contained an anti-human “evil gene” for intrinsic demonic possession and no soul. It is also believed by some historians that when the Draco Alien-human hybrids were not completely eradicated they reproduced at a very rapid rate and populated much of the earth.

These historians also believe that their culture was exceedingly evil and based on frequent human sacrifice and every single sexual perversion and demonic aberration imaginable. One rumor from a very highly connected insider was that these Dracos, like their WZ inductees are obsessed wit inducing who they consider “American Goyim” and all “Goyim” to engage in as much blatant perversity as possible and this provides great entertainment.
And apparently the Dracos love to mock humans in general and even their WZ recruits who they induce to worship the all seeing eye of lucifer which is reputed to be duplicitous as many of their occult symbols. Can you guess what the secret esoteric meaning of the all seeing eye is and why many their Crime Cabal WZ recruits are induced to engage in anal sex at the Bohemian grove annual get together and men’s only party? Allegedly the motivation is to access powerful sex magic as proposed by Aleister Crowley, called the “Beast 666″ and the “Most Evil Man” that ever lived. Like so many luciferians he died a terrible death (a burned-out, sick, demented, fallen heroin addict). Now I certainly hope these rumors are wrongs but Dick Nixon was recorded in the oval Office making statements which supports such a rumor.

Also believed is that because the Earth was filled with these soulless giants filled with Evil almost everywhere, God Almighty destroyed them with the flood and instructed Noah to build a large Ark to escape such a fate. Many reject this story about Noah and believe it is merely a fable. However there are leaked “Eye in the Sky” top Secret satellites photos, as well as numerous photos taken “on the ground” by explorers on Mount Ararek in Turkey that show remains of what could easily be interpreted as the Ark. there have also been wood samples collected by explorers at the site.

How can this incredibly evil Cosmic Agenda of the Dracos be stopped inside America and their WZ/Israeli Outpost and private mercenary army inside America DHS be defanged and put to rest once and for all?

The solution is probably a lot simpler than one might imagine. It involves the phenomena concentrated “moral density” of “We the People” that is evoked by the emergence of mass populism and a new, higher group consciousness and group concentration on the massive corruption that has overtaken the USG. The Circle of Twelve ruling elites, the Top Policy-Makers that run America and serve as Cutouts for the World Zionists a small cadre of Old black Nobility or believed to be the “Draco Hybrids”. It is now known that the mass emergence of a new morality of commitment to the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is coffin nails to this Draco Agenda to annihilate all those they falsely label as “American Goyim”. Any massive diffusion of the truth about their evil and corruption is like throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the East and like pulling back the Curtain to expose the Wizard of Oz (as in Ounce of Gold) or convincing the masses that the King has no now clothes and is actually naked.

DHS is an foreign controlled, WZ/IZCS/Circle of Twelve Israeli outpost in America set up to destroy “American Goyim” on behalf of the British Banksters who have been obsessed with destroying America the Republic and turning America back into a British Colony ever since they lost the Revolutionary War.

Yes, it’s true that DHS top leadership is the world’s biggest collection of Neo-Bolshevik perverts and potential mass-murderers and foreign based WZ/IZCS infiltrators. Many of their leaders are demon possessed and filled with Draco induced evil and hatred against “American Goyim”. And yes, DHS has been set up to oppress and tyrannize “American Goyim” and to systematically capture them, take them to FEMA and other Internment Camps like the Japanese were placed in during WW2. And yes they have been designated as a secret Neo-Bolshevik zionist mercenary army inside America to be deployed to eventually systematically mass-murder all Goyim in order to fulfill a false Draco induced racial delusion that the Americans are Goyim rather than what they really are, the actual descendents of father Abraham.

The WZs have long realized the need to control the money and the Major Mass media to severely limit any spontaneously emerging mass populism.

The WZs and the Circle of Twelve well understand and greatly fear any emergent moral density via emerging populism in the masses. that is why as soon as they hijacked the American Monetary and Production System in 1913, they used all the money they could create and access any time they needed it to buy up and control, every single major mass media in America.


This process has continued and now all Major Mass Media is fully under their control and has been consolidated into six large international corporations, three of which are defense contractors and three are very large international media corporations but all are completely controlled by the WZ top Policy-Makers appointed by the Circle of twelve.

Federal Whistle-blower Stew Webb was the first to blow the lid off of the Circle of Twelve and expose their evil plan and choke hold on the Major financial and governmental Institutions of America as well as their domination of AIPAC. And he is the only one to ever blow their cover and name actual names.

And yes, the cat it out of the bag, Pandora’s box has been opened, the Genie is out or the bottle and Humpty-Dumpty has fallen, broken into pieces and cannot ever be put back together. Despite massive efforts to discredit Strew Webb and jam and hack his popular web site, he has persisted against all odds and appears to now have major Intel protection around him. And lately his credibility has been significantly buttressed by disclosures by other investigative journalists. But it is important to emphasize tat his is exposure and part in blocking an actual Circle of twelve December 21, 2013 planned human sacrifice along with certain VT principals is most notable and praiseworthy.

Here is the “Bad News” for the WZs, the Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty -Ones and the very, very “Good News” for all Americans who love our Great Nation, America the Constitutional Republic.

The newly emergent worldwide Internet is the Achilles Heel of the WZs, the Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones. The reason is that widely diffused truth to the masses truth cuts like a red-hot knife through butter and is like driving a wooden stake through a Vampire’s heart. The WZs, the Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones know this and greatly fear this, but are truly powerless to stop it. They have designed more major false flag attacks like 9/11 to stop this but far too many top Military and Intel already know they were the ones that did the Gladio-style inside-job false flag attack on 9-11-01 to allow this to happen.

Exposure of their deployment of the 9-11-01 attack will turn out to be their Waterloo and the major turning point in their coming loss of power and their complete demise.

Yes, it’s a fact, the IZCS and the WZs and their Cutouts the NeoCons, the PNACers, and the Israeli-American Israeli-first dual-citizens went for broke on 9-11-01 in order to stat a final onslaught to finish expansion of greater Israel and take America into a nuclear WW3 confrontation with the Russians over the Mid East and the Ukraine.

They were successful in the first part of their mission but failed when thanks to the Internet and numerous leaks of Top Secret information “leaked” from very dissatisfied former and current high ranking USG, Military and Intel Officials.yes they over-reached and have now been fully exposed and its only a matter of time that this truth diffuses to mainstream mass America via the Internet Alternative News.


And yes, the apparent End-game of the Dracos is to induce a major worldwide Nuclear WW3 because their long term agenda is to drastically depopulate the Earth in incremental stages and eventually repopulate it with their own creations which like them will have no souls.

The Hijacking of whole peoples, governments, nations and international bodies of governments is the Draco’s game and key mechanism of “placing a spell on humankind”.

It is important to note that the Draco’s main tool of furthering their Evil Agenda is to delude and hijack whole peoples, governments, nations and international bodies of governments. This is done through the establishment of individual “blood contracts” with certain select “bloodline families” and those in those particular families that are judged to already either to be soulless, or easy prey for giving up their souls from riches, fame, and power.

It is important to note that the fake Judaics of Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 have been the main targets of this massive Cosmic hijacking, yet even so most only suffer marginally or not at all from this race based delusion entrained into their minds by the Dracos using the power of Black-Magick, aka the power of ancient Babylonian Magic which was an empire based on leaders who were allegedly Draco-alien hybrids.

And now for a very strange disclosure about a very strange largely unknown aspect of an ongoing Cosmic War (aka Space War) perhaps far too incredulous for most.


As this narrative goes, the pre-WW2 Germans formed a secret alliance with the Tall White Nordic Alien ETs and were allegedly given many technological secrets. Allegedly the Tall Whites are a peaceful group that wanted to advance human kind, and wanted to help Germany rebuild and recover from the dqmage and punishing war reparation imposed by their arch Cosmic enemies the Dracos through the City of London WZs.

As it tuned out Hitler was a secret agent for the British and was mind-kontrolled at Tavistock Institute in 1921-22 and deployed as secret weapon to hypnotize the German masses, build them up as a warring counter-force to the out of control Bolshevik Monster force they created in Russia in 1917. This pan was designed to destroy Germany in a ever expanding world war with the whole rest of the world, especially America which would also be deployed against them.

This would create massive bank loans due to the WZ Central Banksters, industrialize the world and help to establish a small number of interlocked corporations and oligarchical hierarchies ruling over all of the world’s masses. As the Nazis emerged and deployed their alien technology for war, falling into the Draco Trap and drifted into increasing evil, the Tall White abandoned them because there is a certain line they will not cross.

The Tall White Nordics versus the Dracos, a current day, continuing Cosmic War between Good and Evil?

Now here is where the narrative gets very interesting and very, very strange. It is believed by some in highly connected Intel circles that the Dracos have a main representative which has re-emerged on the scene after an absence of many centuries. His recycled name is Marduke, which was supposedly changed from Mars. He was the ancient God of mars in Greek and Roman mythology. He has now allegedly been crowned the King of Africa and his plan is to depopulate Africa, and start a nuclear WW3 between Russia and the United States using the WZ and Israeli Khazarians to provoke it. His plan is to nuke Jerusalem in the process so that a new joint temple between all the religions of the world can be built on the Dome of the Rock site. It appears that some of the Israeli leaders are starting to catch on somewhat and feel that they are being Cutloose by the Old Black Nobility when actually it is the treachery of the Dracos who have their own hidden Agenda in all this which at first glance seems quite complex.
Apparently the Dracos are hell bent on starting a Nuclear WW3 with the Russians. And it has been rumored from Intel sources that the Russian Federation has formed a secret peaceful alliance with the tall White Nordics who have told them, “Don’t worry, we’ve got your back”. And now it is rumored that a powerful segment within the American High Military Command and Intel has now been approached by the Tall Whites and is being advised on how to defeat the Dracos.

It may turn out to be that the Dracos will realize that their Agenda as it currently is will fail and they will reformulate a populist based Agenda to hijack the growing, spontaneously emerging worldwide populism and pretend they are the good guys. They may then raise up a very intelligent crafty world leader than puts a spell on the masses and elicits a mass belief that he is the Savior of the world. After three years of establishing a remarkable peace with a new world monetary system that is very effective and is not based on pernicious usury or debt-based fiat “money”, he will then perhaps seat himself in the new world temple in Jerusalem, claiming to be the world Messiah and Savior and perform incredulous abominations.

Immediately the world will become engulfed in mass catastrophes and mass death culminating in the rescue by the Tall White Nordics or perhaps as some say will be Jesus or Nazareth, a returning Risen Lord of all. Only time will tell, but it certainly looks like America is headed for a show down actual Civil War between the Draco driven, demonic DHS and “We the People” many of whom are armed and had about enough of this imported WZ foreign based tyranny, murder by militarized police who are Mind-kontrolled zombies by their constant on pulsed beam Police radios and many of whom are now mere puppets and “agents of this Draco-run State”.

Could this narrative be accurate?

Now do I believe this information I was able to obtain from what I consider a very good source? I can only say that every other bit of information given me in the past when this story was told has turned out to be true, but such were related to Iran-Contra CIA drug dealing and IZCS crimes inside Chicago and America. As far as this narrative about alien ETs, Dracos and Tall Whites, I really do not know for sure. Nor do I want it to be true. It would seem much easier to accept the idea that the current Crime cabal that hijacked America goes as high as the City of London Banksters only. The idea that they are demon possessed by Evil Cosmic Parasites is a frightening and incredulous concept for the most part. But then so too are all the reports from highly credible former deep-black and beyond-black contractors that there is a secret Space war now ongoing that involves Alien Ets, some of which are exceeding evil and cannibalistic too.

This beyond-black Alien ET Secret Space War narrative I was told creates a problem for me because based on content it seemed incredulous to me at the time, but also seems increasingly plausible as time has passed and more and more corroborating evidence has slowly emerged, especially a notable death bed confession of a man verified to be a highly ranked CIA assistant to President Eisenhower. I can report that the rest of the information provided to me concerning Promis Software and the Iran Contra CIA drug flights proved to be true. One very small part of this Space War narrative was cross validated to me a former high ranking Police investigator that witnesses one small part of the Secret Space War System in the SE United States.


There has been a small amount of some corroborating evidence emerging from some very credible witnesses, former highly placed deep-black or beyond-black contractors, so it is possible and we will have to wait and see how it all plays out. But all indications appear to suggest that all secrecy is now ending and every deep secret will likely be exposed in the near future, sooner than later. So eventually it looks like we will all find out the truth as every deep secret is exposed and screamed from the rooftops.

And of course some Christian researchers who have deeply investigated the Nephilim, or fallen ones aka the “Order of the Snake” or the Fallen Serpent/evil angel and who accept the Biblical view of reality, believe much of the disclosures in this article to be true with one major addition. They believe that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God, died on the cross to destroy the sins of Mankind, rose from the dead and will return again. Not as a deceptive Antichrist and fake Christ which morphs into pure evil as soon as he gains world power, but as the Lord of all who comes back as the one and only true Messiah Jesus Christ to rescue mankind and put an end to this evil Cosmic Parasite that has descended on earth to test all mankind. How interesting it will be to find out if these folks are correct or not as the future rapidly unfolds.
* The source for much of this information “may have been” from the personal attorney of a former DCI. Only recently did it become possible to publish an article covering these subjects and credit must go to Gordon Duff and the Editors of Veterans Today for allowing such an article. Perhaps some will understand why such an article was not possible until several years ago and why it can now be published on Veterans Today. This suggests a major weakening of the Bush Crime Cabal based on the hidden masters of the IZCS and WZ and their previous almost total control over all American institutions of Government. Please understand that the Editors of Veterans Today do not necessarily agree with anything in this article nor does it represent any official position of Veterans Today in any way. My thanks to the Editors of Veterans Today for allowing such an article which is so highly controversial at so many levels.

Killer Asteroids Causing Atomic Sized Explosions … BPEarthWatch





Spectacular fireball from space explodes over Russian city April 18 2014





‘Blood Moon’ Timelapse video: Total lunar eclipse turns moon red







Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know



ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, cosmologist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, affirmed that an Extraterrestrial invasion has already occured and gobvernments do not want us to know. Riterating her statement before the World Symposium in San Marino, Mr. Eisenhower stated, “There has been a massive cover up in regards to ET contact with our governments and there has been much secrecy in regards to those who have been either abducted or contacted – this is because an invasion has already taken place and they don’t want us to know this.

This invasion has infiltrated every sector of our society, in disguise to most, but blatantly obvious to many. When we look at Whistleblower testimony – it is clear that some sort of deal was made with a group of ET’s and from what I have discovered, this began long before Ike [former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mr. Eisenhower’s great-grandfather] ever stepped into office.”

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower’s official statement at San Marino is set out below.



For starters, I would like to share a quote from my Great Grandfather President Eisenhower from his farewell address to the Nation on January 17, 1961 ~

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military– industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Being a descendant of Dwight David Eisenhower opened me up to everything that had to do with what his famous speech warned us about – that being the Military Industrial Complex. It also helped me to see the responsibility we each have as citizens, to be alert and knowledgable and to express our peaceful methods and goals. Many of us were born with solutions and its time that our voices were heard. No one is addressing our concerns and our children currently have no real future, but to live in an enslaved society.
After seeing so many rumors throughout my life in regards to Eisenhower and meetings with Extra Terrestrials, I began to investigate the subject and then discovered that my path was leading me into more than just research and information, but actual events that made it clear that these were not just rumors.

None of what I share comes from anything I got from other family members; I stand with my views, experiences, theories and facts independently.

The creation of Contact Protocols in case of an open contact with Extraterrestrials is extremely important. But the awareness of possible alien contact scenarios is important as well. There has been a massive cover up in regards to ET contact with our governments and there has been much secrecy in regards to those who have been either abducted or contacted – this is because an invasion has already taken place and they don’t want us to know this. This invasion has infiltrated every sector of our society, in disguise to most, but blatantly obvious to many. When we look at Whistleblower testimony – it is clear that some sort of deal
was made with a group of ET’s and from what I have discovered, this began long before Ike ever stepped into office. I have researched, experienced and investigated Exopolitics, remote viewing, channeling, purported ET races and Galactic History and have been on a Mission that goes into this deeper energy terrain, ever since I was a child. I also do session work with people that have experienced contact and
have gone through abductions so there is no question or doubt in my mind about whether or not ET’s are interacting with humanity.

Perhaps some of the pieces of my jig saw puzzle might be wrong or false, but many are surely trustworthy. Besides, as I shall tell you later, in 2006 I was recruited to go off planet to Mars, which is tied into the secret Treaties which I will discuss in this paper – this agenda is called Alternative 3.

Sad Realities
We cannot deny Weather modification and the spraying of our skies. If this is something that people struggle with believing, please research the work of Dane Wiggington, who is an expert in this field and also Scott Stevens – a former meteorologist. Really, all you need to do is look up at the sky to know that something is very wrong. We are also dealing with the Fukushima disaster, Geoengineering, Genetically Modified foods, false flags in the news, media control, Mind-control, possible fake alien invasion scenarios, possible fake ascended masters and the threatening controlled collapse of the Economy, Martial law, FEMA camps and the chipping of civilians.

For people hearing this for the first time, it pains me to share this, but I have to because I know things could greatly shift, if you knew this all to be true. If you decide it is inaccurate than I accept that, I just ask that you San Marino; Disclosure have an open mind and from there, do all you can to learn more and help us to make this world a better place.

All these are not conspiracy theories, but a sad reality behind which a world Secret Government is operating. A Shadow Government who has its hands on extraterrestrial technology. This has all been carefully planned and set up, as a massive infiltration into the areas that are trying to solve these issues
and protect us. An Ex M-16 operative whistleblower states that the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] is currently using a “Tablets of Destiny” supercomputer system that includes the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails and Artificial Intelligence mind control system to attempt planetary ecocide and
genocide. He states that the Pleiadian fleet is here to liberate humanity and will be successful.

Those responsible and those who are involved have to be held accountable or assisted in breaking free of the controls that are blackmailing them into doing this. With so many accounts of trauma-based mind-control, many involved are not even fully in possession of themselves. If this is hard to believe, please research stories like that of Cathy O’Brien, Duncan O’Fineoan and Arizona Wilder, among many others.
We are challenged as a humanity in fully understanding the difference between who is here to help and who isn’t, but that can only come through discernment and educating ourselves about our Galactic History and through bringing hidden truths out into the open. We also must develop ourselves spiritually, so that we are not limiting or blocking ourselves from expanding into higher Earth energies.

This is not about New Agey or religious belief systems, it is more about the recognition of integrity, our need for unification and taking care of our planet and respecting other life forms. We need to do what is right for ourselves and for future generations and not put money or fear first. We need to see all beings as extensions of ourselves and it is up to us to align with what will serve the highest good of humanity and the planet. Surely there is no concrete evidence for all the elements I am going to present. On the other hand, in spite of this, they really show a possible “secret history” we have to face and consider.

When We First Hear About Treaties
For the most part, when we hear about relations with ET and our governments, we only hear about Eisenhower. For instance, as Dr. Pinotti and CUN documented in 2000, today we know that UFOs were reported in Italy during the Thirties and that Mussolini — considering them a new foreign aerial weapon, he created in 1933 an official committee headed by Guglielmo Marconi – “Gabinetto RS 33” – with the purpose of reverse engineering studies after a UFO crash in Lombardy and the recovering of two
Nordic-type pilots (II Duce) considered German pilots. These Italian studies were later inherited by Nazi Germany.

In any case, in the USA the above mentioned Treaties did not originate with Eisenhower and although I have numerous people to mention who validate this, I am only going to list a few. According to Jason Bishop III, a Dulce Base Whistleblower, “The U.S. Government in 1933, agreed to trade animals and humans in exchange for High Tech Knowledge, and allow them to use underground bases that we
would not disturb, in the Western USA”.

According to a whislteblower and ex-operative of M-16, the first treaty between the Grey extraterrestrials (reptilian-like beings from the Draco star system) and the American Government under the administration of Roosevelt, was signed in July, 1934. It was the so-called “Grenada Treaty”. The treaty stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology, the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing ET genetic programs. This occurred after refusing the help of the Pleiadians who wanted eventual military disarmament. He also said that after the US government refused to work with the Pleiadians, they approached Hitler and the Nazis instead. The Pleiadians worked out a treaty with Hitler and the Nazis that in exchange for technology the Nazis would not attack the Jewish people. The Nazis developed their advanced saucer-shaped aircraft from the Pleiadian
technology. Though Greys are well-known in abduction cases, ufologists have no reports of such events, as well as of close encounters of the third kind with reptilian entities. But this whistleblower is not the first to make such claims.

Reports confirmed by contactee Billy Meier stated that space-time technology was exchanged by a certain race of Pleiadians with Hitler’s Germany during 1933 to 1934, seemingly through a group of Nazi
channelers: the psychic women called ‘Vrilerinnen’ and headed by Maria Orsich. Billy Meijer and the ex-operative both said that by 1941, the Pleiadians pulled out of the treaty and would no longer deal with Hitler and Nazis. It was at this time that the Greys approached them, and this is where the Nazi
trauma-based mind control technology came from.

According to the ex-operative of M-16, the Treaties are renewed every 10 years… If these statements are true, this is what the backdrop is, which potently validates the meetings with ET’s that took place in the Eisenhower administration in 1954. Our government, during the Roosevelt administration, seemingly got secret technologies that weren’t about mind control, like what the Nazis received, but were anti-gravity devices, metals and alloys, free energy, and medical technology and this was in exchange for allowing the Greys to infiltrate human societies on different levels, which also included the possibility of
cloning certain World leaders. So now we see that both sides have been influenced by these Greys.

Infiltration Continues
It seems infiltration has been a factor since the 2nd World War and the War just changed into something else, but was never won. During Truman’s time in the presidency, handling the ET problem was a task
that the President could not alone manage. Many crashes seem to have taken place before Roswell in 1947, and this was stored at today’s Area 51 where many tests, crafts, ET autopsies and experiments have been and are still being conducted. Extra-Terrestrials are also said to occupy this base along with others, like scientists and military personnel. Morgan Martell discusses on his website about Project Paperclip ~

In 1946, President Truman authorized Project Paperclip. One purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific expertise and knowledge to the Soviet Union and United Kingdom as well as inhibit post-war Germany from redeveloping its military research capabilities. One of the fields that Nazi
doctors and psychologists had made advances in, was that of social and behavioral engineering in humans, also known as mind control.

The OSS (Office of Strategic Services) had already been active with Operation Paperclip for over 3 months before Truman gave the order, and many Nazi party members had already entered the United States. So the
OSS resorted to whitewashing the histories of Nazis or sometimes even creating entirely new identities which made it easy for them to spread their influence in America. It has been said by the Whisteblower of M-16, that the CIA was created almost two years after this and the American National Security act of 1947,
to handle the massive number of mind-control, cloning, and other covert projects that were born from Paperclip. Normal laws do not apply to them, so they can get away with all sorts of things. All of this has turned most defense related projects and technologies, into weapons used to control us. MJ-12 (Majestic Twelve) was also created, as a group dealing in ET investigations. This was also the year of the Roswell crash and where the Extra Terrestrial Biological Entities (EBE’s) came into the picture, that helped
us to make contact with their race.

Alternatives 1,2, 3 and Mars
When President Eisenhower was in office, he commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) in 1955, which is considered to be a branch of Majestic-12, that Truman established while in office. The Jason Scholars was created to sift through all the facts, evidence,
technology, lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question. Alternatives 1, 2 and 3 are three agendas recommended by JASON Society scholars and are related to different scenarios to prevent a possible future Doomsday that is more than likely induced and not natural, but this was not
known back then by many because they surely would not go along with it and I believe that this is a part of the warning Ike gave us.
The first Alternative is about the use of nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere from which heat and pollution could escape into space, the second aims at building a network of underground cities and tunnels in which mankind’s selected élite could survive, and the third deals with a secret space colonization program on Mars with the same purpose. I was recruited to go to Mars in 2006, but declined, because I believe the power of the human Spirit, our connection to this Earth and our unification as a race is going to carry us through, and so will our connection with our own higher consciousness and higher dimensional ET races and their advanced technologies that are in harmony with Nature.

San Marino; Disclosure

© 2014 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower /
All rights reserved. May be posted in it’s entirety, complete with copyright and links.



BP EARTHWATCH : Pulsating Beam Hits the Sun/The Images are being Removed


Et’s protecting earth from too big of a CME?


Giant UFO shoots laser in the Sun – Oct 9, 2012



Giant UFO near the Sun shooting huge laser beam? – Feb 25, 2013



An earthquake earlier Friday injured 200 and was linked to one death.
The president of Nicaragua issued the country’s highest earthquake alert level Friday as ongoing aftershocks rock the area after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck the country earlier in the day, the Associated Press reports.
The alert forced some schools to close and 155 people in at-risk areas to be evacuated.
The government said 200 people were injured and one 23-year-old woman died of a heart attack after the initial earthquake. It also said 800 homes were damaged in the town of Nagarote, about 30 miles northwest of the capital, Managua.


Is this a man-made event … the Air Force’s Mysterious secret X-37B plane being the object in question



Major activity on the sun!

Maybe that pulse is a result of war out there … we all know the spiritual significance of the up coming Blood Moons

Stay vigilant





Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse interview with Jon Kelly



Omniverse hypothesis prevails over Mars opposition

By Jon Kelly Vancouver UFO Examiner

In an exclusive video interview published to YouTube on April 9, 2014, Yale Law School graduate Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, discussed replicable prima facie evidence that led him to formulate what he describes as a new scientific hypothesis. Today marks the official launch date of his new book “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse,” in which the former director of the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study at Stanford Research Institute highlights milestones from five years of research exploring exopolitics, parapsychology, reincarnation, extraterrestrial contact, the nature of the soul and more.

The interview took place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, during the early evening hours of April 8, 2014, over a period coinciding with a noted celestial opposition between Earth, Mars and the sun. The event drew both planets towards the closest approach within their respective orbits while heralding the advent of a tetrad of four dark red blood moons that astronomers anticipate will be visible next week.

Mars-Related Opposition

Some Christians are said to believe that the blood moon tetrad indicates a pending end of days and second appearance of Christ. Recounting events surrounding a similar campaign of Mars-related opposition Alfred Lambremont Webre offered his alternative perspective, cryptically paraphrasing the first Chancellor of Germany Otto von Bismarck, who reportedly advised nineteenth-century colleagues to “Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.”

Click here to watch “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse with Alfred Lambremont Webre,” an exclusive one-hour interview conducted by former CBS Radio feature producer Jon Kelly in which Yale Law School graduate and former director of the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study at Stanford Research Institute Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, discusses his new book and the replicable prima facie evidence that led the author to formulate a new scientific hypothesis.

Partial Transcript

The following partial transcript of the April 8, 2014, interview between Jon Kelly (JK) and Alfred Lambremont Webre (ALW) has been edited for clarity. Readers who wish to know more are invited to click the link above to view the interview in its entirety and to read the book, which also contains an extensive bibliography of sources and resource materials.

JK: Can you give us a brief introduction to your synopsis of the book and its purpose?

ALW: This is a time that’s been talked about as the bringing together of science and spirituality and that’s the general approach of the book. By science, we mean the scientific method, in terms of empirical evidence and what I call the law of evidence (with my background as an attorney, as someone who’s been a law professor at the university level and someone who’s been a judge).

I’m familiar with the law of evidence that institutions have used for many centuries to sift through documentary and witness evidence and to reach reasonable conclusions. This is important where you’re dealing with phenomena where either you have eyewitnesses or you’re dealing with documents and you’re trying to establish the integrity of documents, their evidential viability and their authenticity.

What we did was to take a number of strands, one strand being the explosion in knowledge about the universe in which we live. And not only the universe but the explosion of the knowledge about the multiverse in which we live (the definition of the multiverse being the collection of universes), how many universes are in our multiverse, how many intelligent civilizations are in our particular universe and in the multiverse.

From there we’ve gone to areas that traditionally have been thought to be in the area of belief because they’re outside of our universes of time, space, energy and matter. These are intelligent entities that reside outside of time, space, energy and matter. They are things like the intelligent civilization of souls, spiritual beings and God, or Source (God has many, many different names).

Traditionalist thinking about these matters holds them in the realm of belief. However, the approach of science, of replicable empirical evidence (in terms of laboratory protocols and replicable results), has advanced in our time to where we now have empirical evidence. We have findings that qualify as scientific knowledge regarding the intelligent civilization of souls, the human soul, of spiritual beings and of God and of the domains within which they live outside of the multiverse that we can call the spiritual dimensions.

I began to really examine the realm beyond what our canonical science uses string theory to explore and to go beyond string theory into the realm of souls, spiritual beings and Source, to discover and really name through science what we call the omniverse. The omniverse you can say is all the universes of time, space, energy and matter (which is our multiverse) plus all of the intelligent civilizations of souls, spiritual beings and God itself that are located in the spiritual dimensions. That whole totality equals the omniverse.

This is not a positive belief anymore. It’s a positive science. We are putting this forward in the form of a hypothesis. I guess we’re not putting forwards a challenge so much as we are addressing these issues within the discipline of science and saying that it’s time that science and spirituality are in fact being integrated. It’s just a matter of both of these disciplines recognizing each other.

JK: This is movement away from a Cartesian or materialist, atheistic perspective that may be informing a lot of the material sciences that we have today, placing science in a context where there is a spiritual universe, extra dimensions of influence that impact human affairs, planetary, solar and galactic affairs.

ALW: Yes, there are many advanced scientists now. For example, the spiritual dimension of the omniverse provides the energy that human scientists such as Lawrence M. Krauss, author of “A Universe from Nothing” cannot now account for, that is needed for the creation and maintenance of each physical universe in the multiverse. The most advanced scientists are saying, “Hey, string theory doesn’t account for the energy that is sustaining the universe.” It’s the energy of the spiritual dimensions that the conventional sciences cannot account for.

You have advanced scientists such as Lawrence Krauss saying “Wait, we can’t account for the creation and maintenance of each physical universe in the multiverse.” Now, the energy of the spiritual dimension of the omniverse accounts for it.

We have advanced scientists such as Professor Amit Goswami who argues very strongly that contemporary science’s assumption that only matter (which consists of atoms or ultimately elementary particles) is real is inadequate and that a new hypothesis is required. I actually wrote “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse” to fulfill Professor Goswami’s requirement of a new hypothesis of reality and I’m putting it down in this particular horse race.

Copyright Jon Kelly 2014



Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse interview with Jon Kelly

Danny Wilten – Metaphysics On The Current State Of The World ICE SCREAM DOLLOPS







TANAATH UPDATE : Nothing will suffice but absolute Terran freedom



Some thoughts on the recent claims that ‘Andromedans’ will be taking people on biospheres without their knowledge and consent to another planet in order to repeat the ‘experiment’…

(This is in reference to material from Thomas Hughes claiming that the Andromedans intend to take a portion of 3D humans that are felt to be unready to ascend and transfer them to a biosphere in which they will live in a holograph that mimics this reality until they are delivered to a new planet. This transfer is supposed to be seamless and imperceptible to the one being transferred.)

I have no idea if this is true or not. What I do know is that anyone who is proposing doing anything to any Terran human without their full conscious knowledge and consent is really out of line. No matter what they may claim about the agreement of the soul in this matter, the conscious knowledge and consent of the embodied Terran is required for this to be anything but yet more tyranny. The circumstances that exist on this planet are such that many things have been falsified to look as though souls have agreed to things they have not in fact agreed to. If even one individual were to be taken in such a way, in error, where they truly did not wish or did not agree to this, it would be a crime of interstellar proportions.

ALL TERRANS have a right to know – consciously – the truth of what has been done on this planet. Only when they have been informed and are able to make an informed, conscious decision, as an embodied Terran (not simply a ‘soul decision’, which cannot be validated or verified and could be interpreted in error by a third party) and as a soul, can any offer to return to the 3D to continue the experiment be made. If people should choose to return, then yes, they can be offered the opportunity to do so. But absolutely, under no circumstances, should this be done without full knowledge and consent by all parts of that being – including their Terran-embodied parts.

There has already been too much abuse to permit something like this to take place. Given that soul agreements on this planet were often falsified to begin with, any purported agreement of the soul to this kind of action can not be trusted. Blanket actions performed without the knowledge and consent of the people these actions are being performed on should not be tolerated. Embodied Terrans are not toys for ‘higher dimensionals’ to play with. Despite our current lifespans and situations, we on Earth are not incidental things whose decisions are irrelevant and need not be honoured. The value of any given Terran life is as infinite as any non-Terran. Our choices also matter.

Neither the Andromeda Council nor any other group has the authority or right to migrate people from planet Earth without their knowledge or consent, especially not in the massive numbers such as proposed in this scheme. If you also feel you have a right to choose, and that others should have a right to choose with full knowledge of what that choice entails, hold that intention in your core and project it outwards like a radio broadcast. Let the universe know in no uncertain terms that you do not consent to having your friends and family stolen without their knowledge, by a third party that has not proven its own trustworthyness. Let the Andromedans – or any others – know that the legacy of lies and illusions must not continue with even more lies and illusions.

Nothing will suffice but absolute Terran freedom. No beings have the right to ‘do’ anything to us. They never had that right in the first place, and the answer to that crime is not to continue it elsewhere.



What is a Blood Moon ?


A lunar tetrad – four total lunar eclipses in a row – begins on the night of April 14-15. People are calling it a Blood Moon eclipse. Here’s why.

On the night of April 14-15, the planet Mars - closest in 6 years - will be near the eclipsed moon.  The star Spica will also be nearby.  Illustration via Classical Astronomy.

The first Blood Moon eclipse in a series of four is coming up on the night of April 14-15, 2014. This total eclipse of the moon will be visible from the Americas. We in astronomy had not heard the term Blood Moon used in quite this way before this year, but now the term is becoming widespread in the media. The origin of the term is religious, at least according to Christian pastor John Hagee, who wrote a 2013 book about Blood Moons.

Meanwhile, both astronomers and some proponents of Christian prophesy are talking about the upcoming lunar tetrad – the series of four total lunar eclipses – beginning on the night of April 14-15.

We at EarthSky don’t have any special knowledge about the Blood Moons of Biblical prophesy. But, since they’re moons, and since people are asking us, we wanted to provide some info. Follow the links below to learn more about Blood Moons.

What is a lunar tetrad?

Blood Moons in Biblical prophecy

Dates of Biblical prophecy Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015

How common is a tetrad of total lunar eclipses?

Why is the term Blood Moon being used to mean a full moon of a lunar tetrad?

Other times in astronomy you hear “moon” and “blood” in same sentence.

Dates of Harvest and Hunter’s Moons in 2014 and 2015

Total lunar eclipse for the Americas on night of April 14-15

Not too late. EarthSky’s moon calendar as a fun way to enjoy the moon phases throughout the year.

A planisphere is virtually indispensable for beginning stargazers. Order your EarthSky planisphere today.

This is what a total eclipse looks like.  This is the total eclipse of October 27, 2004 via Fred Espenak of NASA, otherwise known as Mr. Eclipse.  Visit Fred's page here.

What is a lunar tetrad? Both astronomers and followers of certain Christian pastors are talking about the lunar tetrad of 2014-2015. What is a tetrad? It’s four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons)

Blood Moons in Biblical prophecy. We’re not experts on prophecy of any kind. But we’ll tell you what we know about the new definition for Blood Moon that has raised so many questions recently.

From what we’ve been able to gather, two Christian pastors, Mark Blitz and John Hagee, use the term Blood Moon to apply to the full moons of the upcoming tetrad – four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons) – in 2014 and 2015. John Hagee appears to have popularized the term in his 2013 book Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change.

Mark Blitz and John Hagee speak of a lunar tetrad as representing a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. After all, the moon is supposed to turn blood red before the end times, isn’t it? As described in Joel 2:31 (Common English Bible):

The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.

That description, by the way, describes both a total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse. Sun turned to darkness = moon directly between the Earth and sun in a total solar eclipse. Moon turned to blood = Earth directly between the sun and moon, Earth’s shadow falling on the moon in a total lunar eclipse.

This book, published in 2013, is apparently what launched all the questions to our astronomy website about Blood Moons.  We confess.  We haven't read it.

Dates of Biblical prophecy Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015. These are the dates for the upcoming tetrad – four successive total lunar eclipses – in these years.

Total lunar eclipse: April 14-15
Total lunar eclipse: October 8

Total lunar eclipse: April 4
Total lunar eclipse: September 28

There are a total of 8 tetrads in the 21st century (2001 to 2100). But proponents of this Biblical prophecy regard the upcoming tetrad as especially significant because it coincides with two important Jewish holidays: Passover and Tabernacles.

The April 2014 and April 2015 total lunar eclipses align with the feast of Passover. The October 2014 and September 2015 total lunar eclipses align with the feast of Tabernacles.

The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. In any year, it’s inevitable that a full moon should fall on or near the feasts of Passover (15 Nissan) and Tabernacles (15 Tishri). Nissan and Tishri are the first and seventh months of the Jewish calendar, respectively.

It is somewhat ironic that three of these four lunar eclipses are not visible – even in part – from Israel. The only eclipse that can be seen at all from Israel is the tail end of the September 28, 2015 eclipse, which may be observable for a short while before sunrise.

How common is a tetrad of total lunar eclipses? Depending upon the century in which you live, a lunar tetrad (four consecutive total lunar eclipses, spaced at six lunar months apart from one another) may happen fairly frequently – or not at all.

For instance, in our 21st century (2001-2100), there are a total 8 tetrads, but in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, there were none at all. If we include all the centuries from the 1st century (AD 1-100) through the 21st century (2001-2100), inclusive, there are a total of 62 tetrads. The last one occurred in 2003-2004, and the next one after the 2014-2015 tetrad will happen in 2032-2033.

However, if we want to know which tetrads specifically fell on the Jewish feasts of Passover and Tabernacles, there appear to be a total of 8 in these 21 centuries:

1. 162-163 C.E. (Common Era)
2. 795-796 C.E.
3. 842-843 C.E.
4. 860-861 C.E.
5. 1493-1494 C.E.
6. 1949-1950 C.E.
7. 1967-1968 C.E.
8. 2014-2015 C.E.

Why is the term Blood Moon being used to mean a full moon of a lunar tetrad? We can’t really tell you why more and more people are using the term Blood Moon to describe the four full moons of a lunar tetrad. We don’t know why, exactly.

Here’s the definition of a lunar tetrad, again: four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons). There’s no obvious reason why Blood Moon should be associated with this term.

To the best of our knowledge, however, the use of the term Blood Moon to describe a lunar tetrad is of recent origin. It might have originated with John Hagee’s 2013 book.

We’re still not sure whether Blood Moon pertains to the full moon of any tetrad, or specifically to a tetrad that coincides with the feasts of Passover and Tabernacles.

Either way, I suspect the nouveau definition of Blood Moon will gain traction as we approach the tetrad, the four total lunar eclipses of 2014 and 2015.

View larger. | Hunter's Moon collage from EarthSky Facebook friend Kausor Khan in Hyberabad, India.  Click here to expand this image

Other times in astronomy you hear “moon” and “blood” in same sentence. The full moon nearly always appears coppery red during a total lunar eclipse. That’s because the dispersed light from all the Earth’s sunrises and sunsets falls on the face of the moon at mid-eclipse. Thus the term blood moon can be and probably is applied to any and all total lunar eclipses. It’s only in years where volcanic activity is pronounced that the moon’s face during a total lunar eclipse might appear more brownish or gray in color. Usually, the moon looks red. We astronomy writers often say it looks blood red. Why? Because it sounds dramatic, and a lunar eclipse is a dramatic natural event. Read more here: Why does the moon look red during a total lunar eclipse?

What’s more, in folklore, all the full moons have names. The names typically coincide with months of the year, or seasons. One of the most famous moon names is the Hunter’s Moon. It is the the full moon immediately following the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon occurring most closely to the autumnal equinox.

The Hunter’s Moon, in skylore, is also sometimes called the Blood Moon. Why? Probably because it’s a characteristic of these autumn full moons that they appear nearly full – and rise soon after sunset – for several evenings in a row. Many people see them when they are low in the sky, shortly after they’ve risen, at which time there’s more atmosphere between you and the moon than when the moon is overhead. When you see the moon low in the sky, the extra air between you and the moon makes the moon look reddish. Voila. Blood moon.

The second total lunar eclipse of the coming lunar tetrad will take place on October 8, the same night as the Hunter’s Moon. So there will be two reasons to use the term Blood Moon that night.

Dates for the Northern Hemisphere’s Harvest and Hunter’s Moons in 2014 and 2015:

Harvest Moon: September 9
Autumn Equinox: September 23
Hunter’s (Blood) Moon: October 8

Autumn Equinox: September 23
Harvest Moon: September 28
Hunter’s (Blood) Moon: October 27

Bottom line: The term Blood Moon in Biblical prophecy appears to have been popularized by two Christian pastors, Mark Blitz and John Hagee. They use the term Blood Moon to apply to the full moons of the upcoming tetrad – four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons) – beginning on the night of April 14-15, 2014.





Alcyon Pleiades 20 Pt.1 – The help of the Cosmic Confederation: Crop circles UFO sightings






Examining in depth the dire aspects that the elitist leadership are persistently planning for us with the aim of exterminating the human race…
Why have they not yet achieved it if everything is prepared?
Could it be that the excuses for finding a credible reason continue whilst humanity does not know what to do and is unaware of what lies behind this tremendous foul play?
Is our sedation and lethargy so strong that we yield to their dictates?
To our knowledge the Galactic Confederation is trying to ensure by all possible means that the global chaos and annihilation that was planned for us together with the sinister and ominous concentration camps do not come into play.
But is the world population cooperating effectively with this incredible and arduous task?
How should we react to these unfortunate and unhappy situations that we experience?











Alien Life Forms



This document is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the World


  1. The Invisible Government

  2. Facts About Aliens On Earth – Code: Omnidata

  3. Cattle Mutilations

  4. The Antarian Connection – Code: Omnicord

  5. Crop Circles Phenomena – Code: Sec

  6. The Dulce Base – Code: J.B. Ill

  7. Some Kinds Of Alien Life Forms We Know About (An Anthropological Analysis)

  8. Alien Technology

  9. U.S. Government Secret Technology

  10. Alien Abductions

  11. Inculcation Devices And The Practice Of Manipulation Of The Mind – Code: Nar
